Votes. He scored 5 points higher than Mitt Romney, who isn’t racist.
Votes. He scored 5 points higher than Mitt Romney, who isn’t racist.
Did you think I got something wrong? There’s no question a Republic falls under the umbrella of a Democracy. Democracy is a process and a Republic is a form.
Lol...that’s the last thing America needs. Let’s figure out how to get Obama back instead.
This issue shows the biggest problem of Trump- he thinks he has control over things he doesn’t, and the media never points that out.
Has anyone had a moment like Fox is having? The guy was the absolute pits when he was in charge, but now he’s reasonable and willing to stand up for Mexico. It completely shows just how out of line Trump is that even Vicente Fox comes off looking like the smart one in the argument.
Sorry, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Everybody who isn’t liberal, whether male or female, white, black, Hispanic, or anything else, knows that white liberals are grossly obsequious with other races and operate out of a feeling of guilt. It’s a form of racism that ends up not allowing any people…
Millions of white people are taking a stand against Trump. He did five points better with African Americans than Mitt Romney (who was falsely accused of racism as opposed to Trump’s actual racism), and improved in every single non-white group.
Where did you get the idea that white people aren’t taking a stand? This one company happens to be Under Armor, which has athletic celebrities. None of the three even stopped associating with Under Armor.
At the same time, let’s be clear that Trump put forth a bunch of incompetently written, often Unconstitutional executive orders, and we do have a check on that power.
It’s not a trap. People like George Clooney have everything they want in life. If they decide to have kids, they have nannies and all kinds of other things the rest of us don’t. It’s a pretty normal decision to have kids when you’ve already fulfilled your dreams and are loaded. After all, having people you love around…
It’s pretty deep into society. Congress itself has gotten demonstrably more partisan since the day the filibuster was changed to where they really don’t have to filibuster and stop down the Senate.
Yeah, they also put a buttload of money into lobbying against that. It’s amazing how much money liquor stores make when they’re the only game in town. They also did things like buy up the land so other stores couldn’t build there.
They were emailed. It’s not in question. I agree she didn’t need the help. That was my point- both DNC chairs did cheat for Hillary, and she never needed it.
It’s going to be interesting to see what party numbers are. One thing never brought up during the election is that both parties were at historic lows. Independents are 45% of the country and rising.
Yep. In the end, it doesn’t matter what people say anyway. All that matters is who takes over the DNC, and can that person rebuild what Wasserman and Brazile blew up.
Poor guy...nobody could bother to cheer? What did he ever do to make them mad.
Usually the city ISD is diverse, and the suburbs are segregated. One of the big issues facing urban centers is that it’s way harder to maintain their school districts than in a suburb that’s growing. Everything costs more to build and maintain, and the poor areas never get annexed by suburbs.
Taxachusetts is the model. The only problem is that Boston is different than every other city. It sucks up so much of the New England economy that no other state around it can do the same. Vermont tries and even had single payer for all, but they just don’t have the economic base to afford it. I love seeing my home…
Yep, all of us who vote Democrat are getting a crash course in “Staites Raghts!”. The electoral college got us here, but the fact we’re a Republic rather than a Democracy will keep us safe. Who’d have thought we’d all become 9th Amendment junkies?
Even if you start out good, after 13 beers and a sun stroke, you turn into one of them.