
You’re forgetting one thing- the bigger the government is today, the more Trump has domain over on Friday. If the government is 30% of the economy, you’ve concentrated twice as much power under Congress and the President than if it’s 15%. They know this, and Trump certainly not make the government smaller. He’s just

Sorry I couldn’t be there with a rusty knife I’d snuck through security! Sometimes violence is awesome. It would be so enjoyable to just break a guy like that’s nose, even if I was just some bystander rather than the victim. I mean, violence is wrong, etc. etc. etc.

They seem so clever in movies!

Wait a minute...I didn’t ask that question! You tricked me by asking yourself. :)

The entire point of having a democracy is both sides figuring out the best solution for the whole country.

Is that really the problem? I think there was a much bigger one. In 2008, Hillary won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote to Obama. It became immediately apparent that she had a problem with her support being too concentrated.

Also, Germany’s set up is inferior to the US because it doesn’t have a strong state level to rebuke the central government. If Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress try to take over the government via a coup, the states will not stand for it. 36 can rewrite the Constitution and kick them out. All 50 can use the

I really need to start reading more comments before posting. Sometimes a person will make the point better in a sentence than I can in a long winded paragraph.

Not in the US. Prevention is not worth the restriction of speech by the government. If you take away the right of Neo Nazi’s because it undermines Democracy, then you can’t have the Communist Party USA or anyone who undermines our Democratic processes.

Good. It’s great to see them stomp their feet.

Of course, we completely ignore what he felt was the most important part of his legacy, which was converting to being a Sunni. Calling him Malcolm X is the same as calling him Malcolm Little, because he renounced that name in favor of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. His stated reason was that Sunni Islam was the only

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We better set up some kind of pool at baggage and double check via whether they can float. We don’t want to violate their rights.

How much can be reprogrammed? They’re committing crimes. It’s completely illegal and anti-social to be groping women. Anyone with a shred of empathy would realize that from the victims’ reactions. Yet it still happens every day. I’m 100% for punishing the culprits and making sure we are clear on what is and isn’t

That’s one thing that bothers me. I do feel bad bringing anything about male fears up in a story about how horrible men can be toward women, but men getting involved is a subject worth talking about.

My God, how bad is your culture about groping when you can’t get on a fucking plane and be safe from it? Think about how little contact you even have with other passengers...yet Indian women have to literally have their own section.

You’re right. He’s a high priced hermit and always has been. Great catch.

Yeah, where does John Lewis, one of the six people who primarily organized the insanely important March on Washington, get off having a peaceful protest??!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!

I think it’s the same kind of thing like where slurs start coming out because someone is specifically trying to say the worst thing possible.

Punching trees or other objects like that is to protect the boxer from having her hands broken. Most martial arts have similar roughening of the hands, as it’s necessary in those. Why a girl who is in amateur boxing would need to toughen her hands right now is a mystery, except her father wants publicity.

Ok, but you just made him more money.