
You’d think after 1000 rock stars used the same playbook that liberals would know protests always mean more sales for the person being protested. That Milo guy literally created a lucrative career by not even pretending to do anything but coast along gravy train of outrage.

She didn’t say he was a victim. She said the election was swayed by Hollywood’s reaction to Trump. There are good arguments to make both ways about how much the general public has been turned off by identity politics from the left, and if nothing else, having a star bring up different arguments helps our side figure

Yep, it completely changes their coverage when he’s not in.

I love how often they point that out on Shaqtin’ a Fool.

Yes, that criticism. It was completely deserved. I’m only saying he did get criticized.

They were criticizing him before they knew anything about the HUD position. And yes, quite a few people have called him an Uncle Tom because of meeting Trump. I didn’t use that term by accident.

1. When men asked that exact question, it prompted the same reaction as Chait today. I think it was reported here as well.

From Harvey’s standpoint, it’s easy to say why. He explained it. Obama said we needed to sit down and talk with each other, especially if we have ideological differences. So when the opportunity to talk to someone he fully disagreed with came about, he took it. Apparently he went in and talked with Lil’ Donnie about

That’s why they’re not funny, except in a clapter sort of way. The “satire” is just using his talking points and pointing out that they’re stupid along with some basic jokes about pee.

That has been the rumor.

It’s yet another Unconstitutional bill that they’re passing to hurt the abortion industry before it gets thrown out in court. That’s become the entirety of their approach. The GOP is using the Constitution they supposedly love so much as toilet paper and abusing the process.

The sad part is that she’s right about what happened. She’s wrong to say it was bullying because Trump is the giant bully.

Or not. You’re projecting that Pratt is right wing based on a couple of comments about believing in God and the fact that he hunts. Then you’re projecting that Saldana was turned right wing because she spoke out against what she perceived as bullying. Then you’re projecting that Pratt caused her opinion to change.

Could not have been better said.

That’s unlikely. More likely is that they’re just acting like everyone does on social media by asking before looking it up. There are no events without dumb questions. You can either use honey or vinegar to answer. One works and one drives people away.

This is probably too late to the party to even comment, but he’s right.

One of the huge problems with being sex positive is that the men in porn aren’t. There’s nothing wrong with deciding to do porn, but it’s a terrible industry that’s way too dicey for most to handle.

I’m sorry you went through that, but it actually would have been far less worse if confined to just spanking. Even then, it would’ve been horrible because it sounds like you were dealing with someone else transferring rage onto an innocent child.

There are about 100 behaviors you can’t do to adults that you can to kids. From making them stay in their room (kidnapping) to taking away their possessions (theft), there are way too many things you can’t do to an adult to single one out as proof of something.

Lol...while that’s funny, the one part I disagree with Kara about was that. If they donate $100, it’s $100. If they buy T-shirts with the money and sell them for $200, they can donate the full $200.