I have far fewer comments on this article than you.
I have far fewer comments on this article than you.
Thanks for the info...their voices don’t blend very well for a band that’s been together so long.
But how many men actually didn’t do that? We know of a couple men who mentioned that on Facebook.
Tone policing would be if I said you should stop doing it. I just made an observation. Like the men who felt uninvited to the March, you inferred from there.
The other owners will be fine though. The franchise values are good courtesy of the public. LA is disappointing, but it can still generate as much money as SD and STL, and they can be relocated in the future if someone ponies up the public money. Until then, SD and STL will be used as threats for any city that doesn’t…
There used to be a time when manufactured girl groups were pretty awesome too, but that was because they worked their asses off touring and making demos for a long time and got good. Now it’s like you said- not just pretty but a certain mix of different types of attractive, with music that’s passable (and largely…
I’m guessing you weren’t a problem in the first place. It’s the other people who haven’t thought about it much that probably need reminders.
Harvey is an idiot, but there definitely are a lot of negative stereotypes about Asian Men. There could’ve been an interesting segment happening if there were a better host.
100%. This does raise questions though. He admitted it eventually, went through counseling, and is supposedly better.
At the risk of supporting Donald Trump, all that happened was that Buzzfeed published something everyone else had determined was too sketchy to publish.
The rest of that “joke aggregator” can go away too. He used other people’s jokes to get there.
Yes, that’s the “invitation”.
The irony here is that a couple of idiots on Facebook has been distorted into a huge group of men with fragile egos, thus showing exactly why men felt like they weren’t invited.
But not until after being well into the age of procreation, so that seed continues on.
99.9% of the guys mocking those fragile egos chose not to go to the March. Trying and failing > mocking and doing nothing
He’s done great for himself. And I agree, he’s good. He stays in his lane and doesn’t chew scenery. He seems like a good listener, which is my favorite kind of actor.
Staying woke for too long makes you think like a methhead. Take a nap!
I agree. Callout culture is stupid. My point was only that I think it stems from so many people being on each side now that there’s not enough of a buffer in the middle. It sure seems like we crash back and forth between Dems and GOP really fast now...though that might be just my perception.
It’s all about the loss of the political middle. From a country with close to 50% moderates down to only about a third. We’re splitting further and further apart both ideologically and in willingness to engage.
There is no resistance. Unfortunately, the Democrats removed the 60 vote cloture, so Trump’s cabinet picks and a lot of lower courts will get through.