
When all you have left is religion how do expect people to react?

Please send that message to Senator Brownback, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and the rest of the American Conservative movement who are trying to make America 16th century Puritan England please.

Take into consideration the Iraq War, those killed by America and France during Vietnam, the ethnic cleansing by Christians in Africa and Bosnia, and those killed by the Nazis (who were Christians) and you'll find the number one religion of murder, are the Jesus followers.

Um, yes they do. Conservatives are always looking to pass laws that are suspicious of the rape victim.

Actually, you’re just an idiot American with no knowledge of anything beyond Kid Rock and Maxim magazine. You have no sense of history or the intelligence to comprehend the vast culture of another people. You know only what video games, the occasional action movie and the front page of a newspaper you never actually

And why do you think that is? U.S. support of brutal dictators for 70 years? Our funding of proxy wars during the Cold War that left numerous nations smoldering wastelands in extreme debt?

What kind of prayer leads the U.S. Army into battle? What church does the president of Lockheed go to?

So, how about those psychos who are calling themselves Muslims but are really just murderous assholes. Can we agree they aren't Muslims but just murderous assholes?

Oh, you’re simple. I get it. The current power structure of those countries isn’t the point. These are places and times when America flexed its muscle or its wallet to help kill people so oil prices can stay low.

Living in America for 35 years, you learn plenty about Christianity.

Starting with the coup in Iran, we go to the Suez canal in the 50s as well, then we can go to the proxy wars of the 70s and 80s where the US supplied any side that wasn’t Soviet, then we have the first Iraq War, the second Iraq War, Libya, and of course our support of Saudi Arabia for 50+ years.

Be specific. Its only Sunnis, and even then a small, small group that feel this way. Many religions outlaw graven images, including Judaism.

Not really. Just reading history and watching the news.

To be fair, Christians generally kill just because they want whatever the other person has (ie oil) rather than religion which is all the people of the Mideast have. Everything else has been taken from them so I guess you should encourage assholes shitting all over the last thing they have.

Context is important. It’s something children learn early on.

Just curious, do you agree with the original poster?

In this idiotic thread, this comment is one of the dumbest.

I’m so sorry to disappoint. I guess you really do need to be entertaining when trying to maintain basic humanity. The original poster was destroyed by dozens as well as a lawyer, but I guess you didn’t care for simple human empathy.

You're a four year old.

You're talking about EQ and you're defending a guy blaming a dead woman for her own death?