
But if the girl is full of track marks and she is running from an ex-con ex-husband, you don't marry her.

Ah, so the modification history is dodgy, the current state is in question, the car has been bought and sold three times in the span of less than a year, but the car was named some abstract term by a website, ergo, it’s the sex.

The car has been bought and sold on BaT three times in a year. Doesn't that seem concerning?

It’s been bought and sold 3 times in one year.

Taurus has always been known for their handling. It's one of the reasons, that the world over, the word Taurus illicits visions of high speed luxury with an emphasis style, comfort, and of course performance. It's the reason, that since I was a child, I've had a Taurus poster on my wall. ;D

Just curious, is what the lawyer saying about Emma true?

Guys, he has a Mustang GT, he’s basically Bullitt. That's totally not the shittiest Mustang at all!

You're 12 right?

Are you insane? VWs are as popular as ever in Europe and the streets of any major city and bursting at the seams with VWs. I just got back from Italy and VWs were most definitely the most popular car in Milan.

I think you're research is stuck in the 90s buddy. VWs have been pretty good for like 10 years now.

I’ve owned quite a few VWs and I’m 4 years in on my Audi and I’ve had almost no problems.

I just spent 5 minutes reading your other comments, and I am pretty sure you're living about 2 dozen lies right now.

"Captain was made aware that a tactical paramedic was in the plane."

Maybe talk less like an asshole and people won't assume you're lying.

Tactical paramedic seems to be a real term for SWAT EMTs and a made-up term for gun enthusiasts who have a job in the medical world. I think this guy is nuts.

Fuck lanesplitters.

How much does an LS conversion cost? And wouldn't the same work (and cost) be needed every time you need to do anything to the top end of the engine, including changing the spark plugs? $10k+ seems expensive for a tune-up.

Now Ford just needs to build a non-piece of shit.

What the Captain said.

Good find with iJustine. Maybe Salahis can do a few demos for you too.