Checking in live from the Deadspin commenter football renouncement announcement:
Checking in live from the Deadspin commenter football renouncement announcement:
Just stop watching it, we don’t need a press release.
Probably showing my ass here, but wasn’t the Patrick Kane accusation at least partially discredited?
And father is French, but I think he’s a US citizen.
The first time someone took a Simmons tweet seriously in 9 years.
He’s bored, man
his 13,000 square-foot home in Los Angeles
Serra’s “Latino connection” was brutal, forceful conversion of native Californians. You’d think they would worship the dude in this town.
Was anyone asking the dubs to apologize in 2015? IF you can remember that far back into the nether reaches of NBA history.
I apologize for us being healthy, I apologize for us playing who was in front of us. I apologize for all the accolades we received as a team and individually. I’m very, truly sorry, and we’ll rectify that situation this year.
Whut, if you google ‘UW’ Wisconsin isn’t even on the first page.
Yeah, that’s kinda my thought too is that it’s something people get into when they’re old, bored, and more sentimental. But I think for younger people now that search has moved online and we won’t have the same antique shops in every rural town doing tons of foot traffic every weekend. I also think the typical…
Are antiques even going to be a thing in 30 years? I don’t know anyone under 50 that has a legitimate interest in those places. Not talking about “vintage” stuff on etsy (which is already barf), but who’s driving around looking shit cow towns combing through these places for antique milk ads and davenports anymore in…
But if it’s true satire does he even get into the whole “pillow-soft blog boy” thing? Satire doesn’t typically try to proactively dodge criticism like that. Not that the blog wasn’t in some part tongue in cheek, but I do think the gist of “this guy needs to play” was not satirical.
Especially not by calling it “corny bullshit” like what kind of lazy, affected copy is that?? Maybe corny doesn’t mean the same thing anymore.
No, you had to wait an hour for the blog you were looking for to drop, the horror.
Man you Warriors fans, just give the big goof his shine for a minute. I swear if we land on Mars you would be up in the comments section about how steph would’ve landed the thing so much smoother.