

In the lower levels of English soccer, fans often are nasty, brutish, and short-tempered.

Not to excuse the flawed game plan, but damn did the blazers’ legs look heavy.  That last series was a rock fight and they had to go straight from Denver to play the relatively rested dubs in two days.  Shame because you would’ve thought they might pinch a game early before KD gets back.

He really took it to heart when people told him he needed to move on from humping waitresses.

Nah, they’re coming for it. I just hope that their decision to cut GoT so much shorter than HBO wanted (and that the breadth of plot points demanded) was at least partially motivated by a desire to put in all of the work necessary to avoid butchering their Star Wars project. Wishful thinking.

“golf courses are bad for the environment” —> take that one can defend, more nuanced an issue than you’re presenting

This exact kind of fart-sniffy hyperbole smothers whatever semblance of a point you were making.  

Golden State Blaugranas.

No, the marchioness here is just using the royal ‘we’

Not anymore now that I know what a lame idiot I was being.

Thanks for the primer on avoiding the “lame idiot” moniker in your book, I’m sure the people are thrilled to finally know the criteria.

Not nuts on here, it’s ‘Pool boys

Missed opportunity, for once ‘Pool boys would’ve been good copy.

What does this even mean? What city deserves a cool team?

This is probably already out there, but the marketing campaign gotta be “Play5tation” right?

Strong contender out of the Crotchtangle regional of next year’s name of the year bracket.

Gotta be the juice Bubba’s getting from the write up, yeah?  No way could he bounce Corno Pronk without the PR machine at his back.
