
The think-pieces will be titled, “Bullcoming Bulltron” after this scrappy upstart punches his ticket to the final four.

What kind of attorney is gonna misspell judgment in a public statement?!  

Mike Gansey

Dance ‘pool boy, dance

What about that dunk that guy did?

Most basic warranties expire at 3/36k - well within even a four year repurchase plan.  Sucks because it leaves people massively exposed while they’re still on the hook for damn near half of their repayment schedule.

Body of a Greek god, head of that kid Randy from season 4 of The Wire.

Body of a Greek god, head of that kid Randy from season 4 of The Wire.

They did not use essential massage oils and creams. Instead they had oily lubricants in squeeze bottles, with no labels.

I’ll bring punch and cookies.  This aggression will not stand, man.

What the hell man? “Kudos to the league for not instituting a system where all of the good players end up on the same few teams that will make the playoffs every year /s” Have these big market teams really struggled to bring in top level talent?  Unless I’m missing something I truly marvel at the nonchalant heat of

This also doesn’t take into account non-economic/pain & suffering damages which are often the largest portion of a personal injury claim, and are wholly unrelated to a person’s income. Obviously loss of earnings damages are directly tied to...a person’s earnings which can lead to shitty outcomes, but that doesn’t

Poop Johnson - Poopa Johnson - Poppa Johnson - Papa Johnson -Papa John’s Son?

Poop Johnson - Poopa Johnson - Poppa Johnson - Papa John’s son?

Jody Allen?

It was supposed to be a switch dumb ass

if Wiggins used “gay” as a slur, it’s wrong, and if he didn’t, it’s nothing.”

No dude, what?? I didn’t propose a solution just pointing out that a direct line to the NFL isn’t without problems that people overlook. Definitely not endorsing saving anyone money or “protecting kids” in the NCAA, lmao but great fictional argument you just destroyyyed. Like there can’t be practical concerns with

Interesting to see the Deadspin commentariat so similarly aligned in support of an absolutely free market and condemning of the regulation-hungry big businesses. It’s not lost on me that the people supporting the regulations do so to keep making obscene amounts of money, and the “free market” in this context is just