Peter Parker

On paper I imagine the Tony is the trickiest one to get. Grammy and Emmy's seem to have 100+ categories every year. If your a musician just write a few songs for films and if your a big enough star you will eventually nab best original

Joe might not even be a goat he could be beloved and actually be a Jesus Goat(Person you bring to the f4-f5 despite their jury threatiness because their almost 0 chance they will win an immunity challenge)

Cesaro when he is not doing overly scripted WWE Promo's is actually really funny. Same thing goes for a lot of guys on the roster (Orton is dull as dishwasher in WWE but in promotional interviews oozes wit and charm,The Uso's on Total Divas are naturals but bland babyfaces when they have to do the robototic promos)

He also couldn't say she is a drug addict who we would never let near a live mic which is true because Scott Hall and him are friends and Hall and Jake The Snake who have a good relationship with WWE were not given HOF inductions until they got cleaned up.

In some ways that shows Ty Cobb was decades ahead of his time as a progressrive that he was wheeling to punch fans in wheelchairs just as much as those on their own 2 feet.

There is no double standard. Jake Roberts and Scott Hall were kept out of the Hall Of Fame until they got clean and sober. Marty Janetty who never made also likely not gonna enter the Hall because of substance abuse problems. Watch 30 seconds of any of her youtube videos over the last few years and it's easy to see

On paper Aubry is proving to be everything Production wished the Spencer,Cochran and Shirin's were (ie self aware,gritty and empathetic) Also she is a much more natural charismatic narrator on top of that. If her or Tai actually won I think Probst would kinda love this season which is why as much as I am hoping

She thought the girls+Joe were all voting Tai and the guys were voting Cydney so telling him to play the idol was because she wanted to see Tai flush out his idol and for Cydney to leave the game.

If it's scripted and staged Michelle and Joe would have been rigged out by now.

Aren't most "anti hero" charecters like Walter White,Don Draper,Jessie Pinkman etc not only bad people who ruined the lives of everyone they love but also have that angst woe is me shit going on. But guys get a pass if they look like Don Draper,Jesse Pinkman or are Fatherly an Authortarian like Walter White. A

Umm IATS has at numerous times implied Dennis is a rapist sociopath and tried to hook up with underage girls. Really outside of Charlie the whole gang should have lengthy rap sheets by now.

A lot of these gimmicky big brother style twists which Production always thinks will bring chaos usually just falls into the players already in control and makes it that much harder for chaos and vote flipping. I think Production is lucky with which 2 people got the idols. Could you imagine if Tony or Kim got

If Netflix goes to 39.99 their customers just go to Hulu or Amazon and illegally stream the 2-3 netflix originals they watch. Just like the music once you have gotten a certain amount of content for a relativly low price you can't undo that cat out of the bag. Young people bitch now at $8-10 that their is never

Only 10 episodes a season most years. Sad to see how many have checked out as some of the best episodes have been in the last 2 seasons.

The 2 sisters from Dogtooth
Keir Dullea and R Lee Emery
Tom Brady and Roger Goddell
Hulk Hogan and Michael Richards
Jerry Seinfeld and Louis Farrakahn

I will take managements side on this one. The Ascenion could get away squashing people who are much smaller on the NXT roster but they are too small to be badasses on the regular roster when they are only marginally bigger size then someone like Darren Young. There is a reason Connor and Viktor have been in and out of

I would also throw in Comedy Central which has Broad City,Review,Another Period,Key and Peele and Inside Amy Schumer. Comedy Central has suddenly become a place for Comedy Auteurs but very few have noticed it with all the Tosh point zero and reruns of movies people have already seen years ago that mostly plague their

What's with Hollywood always casting obscenely hot women with Blandy McWhitebreads and then never acknowleding how in almost no real life scenario does that guy get a woman that good looking if he is an accountant or whatever he is in that movie.

I must have gotten 200-300 cd's as a teenager under various fake aliases. Somewhere out there is some poor schlubs with names like Hugh Jazz,Aaron Aaronsley and Stinky McGraw and the like who must have had their credit ratings ruined.

My guess is backstage people have entirely different views on Ryback. He is a big hoss who is likeable connects with the audience and has a memorable catchphrase,on the other hand he spent a decade in developmental and is still pure a** as a ring worker and is injury prone. People who think keep him in the low-mid