Peter Parker

I would say throw Earl in Cochran into that discussion as well. Earl let Cassandra do a lot of heavy strategic lifting and Cochran let Dawn get most of the blood on her hands.

I would be upset as the swing vote because the swing vote never wins your just essentially handing the numbers to 1 side or another and hoping you picked the less tight side.

Sash ,Mick and Albert were thought of as disengenious phonies and in Sash's case a huge liar by the juries their season their losses had little to do with being invisible. It's very possible Tyler is making real bonds with people but his lack of edit is cause he finishes in a Cowboy Rick or Carter 5th-6th spot in a

I think 1 or 2 seem the only likely scenarios. If Sierra won we would have already been seen her confessionals sympathetic to Mike and Shirin and explaining her best shot is beating the hated Dan,Rodney etc. If Rodney,Will or Dan had won their misogyny would have been whitewashed over. If Tyler won we would be

So no one was playing last season cause they were boring? Missy is almost to me Carolyns equivalent playing a great strategical game but not really earning herself friendships with future jurors. Pretty much everyone aside from Julie last year was playing hard but unfortunately the premerge was really bad and people

Depending on the type of cancer it could have been a situation where she thought maybe my mom can fight this another few years. If you tell Production thanks but no thanks there is no gurantee you will ever get another chance to play the game. I am sure her family probably even encouraged not to put her life on hold

Except they would have voted for Keith over Missy and Jacalyn so I don't really buy they value strategic gameplay arguement.

I agree with you about the gimmicky seperations. I imagine at least half of the "no collar" tribe will be unemployeed mactors who have rich parents so they can afford not to be a bartender or waiter like the usually casted mactors.

Nicuaraga is kind of the reverse of this season. Entertaining as hell premerge then just uncomfortable as hell and mostly unwatchable post merge . Probably not as bad as it's dectrators feel it is .The only seasons I would recommend people to outright avoid are Thailand,One World, Caramoan,Redemption Island and Samoa.

I will say this was a really wonderful season from the merge on. I don't get the h8 lots have for this. We had a lot of big cut throat moves,unpredictability and a lot of personal conflict. I prefered this season a lot over Blood vs Water 1 ,Cayagan and One World among recent seasons.

I think because of almost the lack of young females to choose from who go far the last few seasons Jacalyn probably has a much stronger change of returning then people think if they do a fans vs favorites 3 or blood vs water 3.

I thought the one big flaw with their editing was Jacalyn's lack of screen time. She has a real feisty personality and a great sense of humor and with a little more screen time they could have easily made her look like a serious threat to Natalie at FTC.

Josh and Jeremy did not know how to play the game. They are precisely the type of blowhards who go out at the merge almost every season. Missy had a great stratetegic game but poor people and jury management skills.

No she couldn't have. Alec was closer to Jonclyn then her and in Missy's secret scene from that episode on cbs site she was saying Natalie was like another daughter so their was probably very little doubt Missy would follow along what with Natalie and Baylor wanted even if she was close to Jon.

The cast was good last year but most of them got the shaft post merge for the Tony,Kass and Spencer show.

To watch 1 person get a ton of airtime and for his allies to bend over after he betrays them is that why people love Survivor. People kind of criticize the cast this season for being idiots but these people would not have stood for Tony screwing them over. The people this season got salty cause they didnt get invited

1. Agree with you on that. Also it might incentivise people to throw rc challenges to prevent people they don't want to win immunity from getting a boost.

Keith is way more Woo then Fabio. Fabio seemed very cautious of what he was doing out there.

For the exact reasons you find her maddening I find her entertaining.

I always thought of them more like French Cousins