Peter Parker

Revenge seemed to work pretty well for Chris in Vanuatu. And she wouldn't really need Jon's vote if she gets to the end because of how hated Missy/Baylor are.

If Jon would have been blindsided at f9 then it would be those 4 guys against her jacalyn,missy and baylor. Even if she would have been able to keep them intact and not flip to the guys she would have been vulnerable to getting rocked out at 8. Her waiting until Reed was gone was good it's just the wrong person won

Not sure how "unconventional" a Kieth win would be since it's just a recycle of Fabio/Bob. The only wtf win at this point would be Baylor,Missy or Jacalyn since all 3 of their edits are very FTC goat like.

I am pretty sure all stars excpect people from the same season to work together even if one voted the other out unless it is Spencer vs Kass/ Phillip vs Franchesa type bad blood. Jeremy and Josh would be an obvious working duo to the other players.

Well if Jon was voted out then presumably everything would go down to rocks the next round and you could have had a situation with Reed,Wes,Keith and Alec as the f4.

One of the things I have heard in some post game views was that Reed was stirring stuff up a lot and viewed as a shifty playe.However he had only 1 tribal council premerge so I am not sure how enough of his shennanigans would have fit in the context of any episodes.

While I found Josh to be a coma inducing narrator I guees the combo of him going to so many tribals/and being the key swing vote at them and being the defacto leader of the minority/merge boot I guess it makes sense why he got so much air time.

good tunes

Well I do recall a scece were Alec said all the women are lazy……except for Natalie. I actually think Natalie would be the favorite against anyone if she makes f3 my doubt is I don't think she gets there.

His move to give up a reward were commented on by a lot of players as very transparent. And in past seasons when people have given up rewards it almost never works. In general if you think player x has an idol confronting them about it is never a good tactic. His actions forced Jon's hand who was already paranoid

Wes,Keith and Alec snubbing Jacalyn IS about gameplay. If someone does not talk to you it's highly improbable that person will go to f3 with you.

I would disagree if you have ever seen her Play Lady Macbeth

I actually like that theory. Reminds me a bit of the Sophie situation. A cocky young female with ego and swagger might rub a lot of Survivor fans the wrong way so if she wins making her UTR and tying her edit a lot to the well liked Jeremy might be their best route.

Jon has not disparaged a single person all game(besides the quitter) and people like Rob and Russell were asshole to other players for reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with gameplay and somehow Jon is the entitled jerk. I am not a Jon fan myself but I thought since Jeremy was on his radar and he was already

I assume Rafe would have came back at some point if not for how successful he has been as producer and writer post show. In general I don't think there is a quota per season or even a thought of we like season x —- so 4-5 people will return. Season y we want to forget so 0 or 1 people will return. Production and most

Outside of Natalie (and Kelley based on post game interviews) I don't think anyone was really eating out of is hands. I think all this attention in the edit is just cause he is a great charecter in a season devoid of entertaining personalities and his "strategic control" was all red herring ala Rob in Heroes vs

I dunno Jeremy's entire edit felt like someone with a huge ego who would be eventually cut down to size. Like it should be a red flag that he thought he had no competition whatsoever other then Josh. There was nothing to indicate in the actual content of any of the episodes the rest of the cast "wasn't playing" and

While I can see their frustration cause the edit really did not have a cohesive storyline I think it's unfair to charecterize this vote as Jon being a wreckless or bad player. It seems to me Jeremy was eventually coming after Jon down the line and had amunition to put a target on his back. Striking first at

While Jeremy and Josh were given good "edit's" cause we always knew what they were thinking if you peel back the content of each of their confessionals it was a lot of hot air. What exactly did Jeremy ever do excpect bitch about how stupid everyone else . And Josh blindsided Baylor the first vote for no reason

I am rooting for Jeremy but I don't understand the thought other people "are not playing" just because they are not getting confessionals discussing their strategy. Seems to happen every season a lot of people assume the 1 person or 2-3 people who get lots of confessional gauging there thoughts are the only ones to