Peter Parker

Is Fried Green Tomatoes the one where Kathy Bates gets naked in a hottub? Asking for a friend

Yeah,and it was also just bad luck because the people booing were Homophobic French Aristocrats. What are the odds one would be in attendance let alone 4-5.

Counterpoint- Al Molinaro and Ernest Borgnine were fat, ate like shit, and lived into their 90's.

Basically everyone left this season sans Troyzan has some sort of compelling storyline,while Cayagan half the cast was ignored and their was multiple confessionals every episode from Spencer on how he is growing as a person.

Sierra offered her a f3 that episode,if Sierra just offered her a f3 at f11 that late into the game rest assured Sarah was not who Sierra was planning on going to f3. Considering how Troyzan/Sierra talked about their friendship pregame and how tight Sierra/Brad and Brad/Tai there is no way in hell Sarah was top 3

To be fair I would say Richard Hatch sexual assaulting Sue in all stars is far worse then a speech saying she hopes someone dies.

I don't understand how
anyone could feel too bad that someone who is playing for their 3rd time
got twistfucked. "This took my experience away so early" Um, this is
your third time, most people only play once bro

I wonder if the awful season 4 was more a case of she 's been everywhere the last year and could have used the time off but CC wanted to rush a season and less post-enormous fame effects.

Is this post serious. Don't get me wrong I like a few of their shows but literally every show on the CW has an attractive lead excluding the Penn &Teller show(no offense to their fans).

With so many acclaimed shows on Cable and Streaming I need to catch up on, I find CBS's decision to make scripted shows I will never watch very considerate.Let us all applaud them for making nothing but procedurals and single cam retreads and giving us more free time to do what we want.

Money is the bottom line yet all these recent whitewashing movies(Prince Of Persia,Emma Stone as the Asian lady,Egyptian film where Brit and Aussie cant remember the name) have TANKED. Of course movie's set in places where a white lead wouldn't exist will keep getting made even though movie's with Asian Leads have

More Billie Kay and Peyton Royce and less Nia Jaxx and Eva Marie seems like an actual net positive for NXT. Ideally though they add in 2-3 more Indy girls for when Asuka and Bayley eventually get called up.

For me it was when George had sex with a co-workers wife who was in a coma.

The belt is a joke? Miz is an A List movie star who is bringing prestige to the title after the likes of Ryback and Zack Ryder holding it made it a joke belt.

Fish Tank is probably one of the best english language films of the last 10 years and Don't Look Now is legit one of the creepiest thrillers of all time,but yes beyond that their slate of films looks like a lot of stuff that shuffles in and out of netflix/hulu all the time.

I doubt CBS is counting on replacing it with a reality show. CBS has a whopping (4) rtv shows in the fall/spring(BB,survivor,tar and undercover boss) 3 of those shows are 15+ years old. A Reality show is cheaper and a lot more profitable but if you look at the big 4 networks none of them have been able to launch a

I thought Michelle was winning because like a Fabio/Danni she was getting a lot of filler insight but I didn't think it would be against Aubrey at all and Aubrey was the final juror. Usually the Michelle type edits who do win are defaults against an a**hole who is hated by the jury so the end result was a huge shocker

People forget the contestants from the first 3 seasons or so ended up getting commercials and guest spots on tv show's at the time and were borderline "celebs" for 2-3 years. So all stars must have been a nighmare from Production behind the scenes.

You do realize part of the reason we didn't see him much is so people wouldn't feel as deflated when he was medivaced. If someone gets medivaced this late they will always get a a Purple edit unless they are some Tai or Abi once every few seasons charecter.

Really? If I had only watched that TC last night and knew nothing of the season I would assume she was coached by Stephen Fishbach and Amanda Kimmell how to behave in front of the jury.