Peter Parker

Josh was boring and he played an awful stategical game. Like of course his overplaying and targetting Baylor but not finishing the job rightfully came back to haunt him.

Coach Johnson,Chase,Brenda,Holly,Dan,Jimmy T,Wendy,the amputee girl,Alina were pretty good casting choices imo even if a couple of them went too soon. Unfortunately the winner and third placer were bores and 2 obnoxius villians Jane and Nay went real far. Someone like Nay would just be a fun footnote on the season

Denise was invisible for a few post merge episodes in Phillipines and Sandra has a string of about 4-5 episodes with no confessionals in Heroes vs Villians. I don't think Natalie is the betting favorite but I would not rule her out either despite being very utr the first 2 merge episodes.

I don't think they are the only one's playing we have been shown moves and insight from Jon/Jacalyn,Missy and Natalie as well. I would say Josh/Jeremy are the main one's getting narration and are getting targets on their back.

Maybe it's just Production editing it that way cause Probst views on women are stuck in 1957.

Sometimes playing the game smartest makes for boring riskless tv though.

I think the editing is actually good for Keith. At this point if you told me to bet the house on Jeremy,Josh or Keith I would take him.

It's actually really plausable. She seems to have really strong relationships with Natalie and Jon and was the one who comforted Julie during the everyone attacks Rocker fiasco. I would also say her relationship with Jon is probably a huge reason why Jon/Jacalyn didn't side with Dale/Kelley instead since Jacalyn

Dale was playing a bad game. His best bet was not pushing for Missy he should have been trying to make Keith the target and paint worries he would join Wes and his Coyopa allies. When your in a position of weakness like he is you should not be trying to initiate the target. Targetting Missy would have been an

I thought the 3-2-1 vote Cirie pulled off at f6 in Panama was probably one of the best bits of strategy in Survivor history

It's very likely the note that says this is the idol can not be shown to another player since at no point in Survivor history have we ever seen 1 player show someone else the official note.

I think Missy is probably sitting in one of the better positions at the merge Jon/Jacalyn trust her and Natalie who is with Jeremy and Julieseems to as well.

I thought the episode was pretty good for both Jon and Jaclyn. At this point there are about 6-7 people who I think could win and they are 2 of them. Not entirely bad odds for that couple.

But was the way they did it at her camp wrong? Production is not gonna let you starve out there so if your on a season where there is not much to fish or fruit falling off trees then why not eat more rice then the amount rationed by production. This is a scenario where its smart to thumb your nose at the rules and

It's possible they figured Dale is emotional and would have come after them if he makes the merge but maybe Missy/Jon were privy to some info and figured Kelley was sitting pretty with Jeremy/Natalie/Julie and she would have been just as much opposition as Dale. That said in a season like this I would rather keep the

I kinda like him more now this episode. Like you rarely see anyone that pety about rice like that. It reminds me of something you would see in an early season episode.

If that was entirely true they would not not have uploaded a lot of her confessionals in secret scenes on their website. Her finishing placement more than anything gurantees she is never coming back unless she dates some d list celeb or another contestant for a future Blood Vs Water installment. In 30 seasons only 2

Candice is kind forgettable after the fact but each time she has played she has been a catalyst for drama and her neurotic paranoia almost gurantees you won't have stagnant gameplay with her around. This is one instance where I am on the same page with Production where deserving or not her presence has benefited each

I thought some of her snarkiness was entertaining last week and her lack of airtime has more to do with editing doesn't want people to end up fans of someone screwed over by tribe swaps which is why people who are swap *uckede are underedited or entertaining wrecks post shuffle.

Kelley is one of the hottest people to play this game I hope she get's a 2nd chance at some point.