Peter Parker

I feel the seasons rep by others is hurt by Jane,Na Onka who were just too much villiany to take in for some since they didn't even pretend to give Na Onka in particular any redeeming factors to like. That said Marty and Brenda were actually entertaining cocky narrators premerge, the runnerup Chase had probably one

I can't imagine any scenario where Aras would ever be asked back so it's easy for him to claim he doesn't want to play anymore since he only got a 2nd chance cause production wanted his Sociopath brother to play.

It's nowhere near one of the worst casts considering how entertaining Hunahpu have been now that they got some airtime . The season will definitely benefit with Rocker gone cause he sucked up a lot of airtime he would have otherwise never gotten if he were John Hawkins Landscaper.

Corrine is awful but watching her and her alliance getting taken out in Gabon was fun.

That is if you get a chance to play 4 times and have people who were fans of you prescreened in casting.

Cliff was bad stunt casting imo. He seemed boring and introverted and Jeff Kent was a stick in the mud and not in an entertaining fun villian sort of way. The only stunt casted athlete who worked imo was Brad Culpepper. I really for the most part do not understand why they do this. DWTS has gotten legitimate Hall

Yeah her 2nd time cause it was a season with a returning player tribe and generally the rules to weed out the weak or annoying are thrown out the window since returnee seasons it's about which people have friendships pregame.

I think most of it has to with casting. Other then Tasha last year and the bodybuilding looking girl from season 2 I can't recall a single other African American female in the history of the show who was really athletic. When the 1 black female in the cast is not outdoorsy and can be singled out as a challenge

We can only hope. Gabon was thoroughly entertainingly and Nicuaraga was only bad down the stretch.The merge episode of Nicuaraga in particular was one of the best in the series ever.

this sounds like the greatest series ever

I think this Jon Daly dude seems too hung up on there wealth. Having said that I would say I agree with his assesment that American Idiot is kind of awful. What this clip is too political debate https://www.youtube.com/wat… ,American Idiot is too angst and rebellion.IE(both are vague nothingness)

I wish she would do porn instead. I would pay premium dollar for a leaked sex tape from her.

It doesn't to you but some people swearing on their family means everything to them. Just cause some people are amoral and can separate the game from rl doesn't mean everyone should be. Hell it would be a boring ass show if everyone played under the same moral paramaters.

I thougt Woo was winning before the episode started but then when Kass was calling him Fabio I was like holy hell he is gonna mess this up and vote out Kass and get creamed in the finals.

I will say of the 2 first seasons you watched Amazon holds up incredibly well and it's almost refreshing cause that is the 2nd and sadly last time Survivor went all out negative with the winners edit. And all stars is even worse then people remember. There is a reason they went several years without returning players

I found her speech funny and kind of more a shot at the dues of the jury and a compliment to Tony. I feel like she will do well in life cause most hot chicks don't have half her snark and wit. When her youthful beauty goes and her tata's are down to her knees she will still be able to make people laugh.

Earl was a nice guy and an underappreacated winner but I scratch my head wondering who actually thought he would make a good tv character.

I actually think he accounted for himself really well at FTC and only had 1 or 2 bad answers. If you want to see awful FTC performances though Stephen in Tocantins and Amanda in both her incarnaions take the cake.

She had 0 chance against Woo. People are never gonna vote someone who is an asshole who they hate even if it's against someone with no game whatsoever li Woo. That is why a Russell or Kass is never gonna win unless they have specifically a goat and sociopath season.

To be fair Sarah seemed entirely over what happened in the game and she was more pissed off over some beef they had on twitter but Probst is an awful host who doesn't ask question he trie to push a narrative