Langdon Aulger

dude, who hurt you, and which beastie boys tour tshirt were they wearing when they did it?

I’ll believe Andrew Luck is healthy when I see him play, and maybe not even then

Thoughts and prayers

as she hits the word “free” you can see the national anthem go back and to the left

I know she’s divorced now, but she’s got to be really desperate to want to fuck a song that badly.

Did she say “proo through the night”? Jesus.

Didn’t Romney get more votes when he lost than Trump got when he won? I seem to remember that, along with Trump describing Romney’s tally as “pathetic” or similar.

My first memory is when Naismith stuck that peach basket up there on the wall.

“So I guess I’m the only one using semiautomatic rifles to manufacture knock-off Swiss cheese?”

Um, how about taking action against a regime that was installed by a foreign adversary? That seems like a good end game.

“Lake Placid? More like Lake FLACCID! Am I right?”
-Rick Reilly at some point today.

It’s not enough for them to have it, it’s also that for many of them, they feel that such reward shouldn’t go to the “undeserving” of society. This is in spite of the fact that any economist with a basic grasp of math and statistics can figure out that a consumerist economy can only really sustain itself if people are

Steve Kerr and Gregg Poppovich have gone after Trump way more in the past months, but she goes after the black athletes and not the white coaches? I wonder why

“I’m so sick of these athletes daring to express their opinions! For more analysis, let’s go to Fox News commentator Curt Schilling!”

I say give ‘em the hand-to-hand training. Yeah, start ‘em out in kindergarten with some basic Kav Magra. We could just reallocate the time and money required by eliminating all that class time being wasted on stupid things like math and science which have no real-world applications anyway.

Dry ice?

“Gypsies” seem archaic to us in America, but they are still an ethnic and cultural group in Europe-but they are more likely called “Roma” in the media, as “gypsy” is a slur. While I’ve only a cursory understanding of the situation, there have been enough modern atrocities associated with the persecution of the Roma

Rick Scott hasn’t heard any suggestions or ideas on how to prevent mass shootings? A much worse one happened in your state, while you were in office, just 20 months ago. Not one brainiac in your administration has had a single thought since then?