They forgot the headlights ;)
They forgot the headlights ;)
Android 3.1 will definitely be detailed today...release is in weeks, not months.
"XPRT" looks like Sprint's version of the Droid Pro—same hardware?
The writing is on the wall. Llano is going to be impressive, at least from a sales standpoint. Lots of OEMs lined up.
AT&T vs. Verizon? I guess all the pundits have a new SKU with which to analyze the respective iPhone sales performance of each carrier!
Shut up with your logical arguments, mmmkay? I bought a dual-core, Geforce powered tablet so I could see fancy page turn animations! Dual-page reading means the animations are FANCIER!
Tony Stark says "you're welcome".
I'm confused...what's the goal here? Is the goal to replace traditional electric solar panels, or is it to augment traditional panels with magnetic energy-producing components as well? If it's the latter, then maybe it isn't 10% vs. 10% efficiency, perhaps it's 10% + 10%?
I guess Cisco should've bought these guys instead. Whoops.
I'm pretty sure call centers would be all for this—they'll have fewer frustrated customers on the line (since they haven't been waiting) and that might lead to shorter calls.
Hey Rovio. How bout a Mighty Eagle? Stat.
Can I get the Kindle app?
Hey Ed, you have the screen specs listed as "960x560"—it should be 1280x800 FYI.
Conspiracy theory...Google is letting this slip out quietly ahead of launching a new social network and/or Android gaming hub.
If they implement DRM at a hardware level, does this mean Android devices with HDMI will actually support Netflix playback via HDMI? If so, those flat panel TVs in hotels just got a whole lot more interesting...
Android. Fragmentation. It's real. Don't deny it, deal with it.
I dunno—I'm also wary of getting a 1st-generation LTE device. Will later LTE devices support simultaneous voice & data over 3G and 4G (or at least 4G "HD voice"?) I think the iPhone 4 is a good investment now as the resale value tends to be higher than other devices'—even after the iPhone 5 launch there will still be…
I dunno—I'm also wary of getting a 1st-generation LTE device. Will later LTE devices support simultaneous voice & data over 3G and 4G (or at least 4G "HD voice"?) I think the iPhone 4 is a good investment now as the resale value tends to be higher than other devices'—even after the iPhone 5 launch there will still be…
Based on the customer feedback here, it sounds like RIM might want to reconsider branding this device as a "Storm".
Here's what I don't understand. AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega went on record at CES saying they will have a 4G LTE iPhone in 2012. Not 2011. So will there really be an iPhone refresh in 2011? What would it offer, if not future 4G capabilities?