
@Organized Chaos: Except that HSPA+ is not a new network, it's a software upgrade on their existing network. Same towers, same bandwidth, same coverage. Out of all the "4G" networks, LTE from Verizon (and AT&T next year) is the only one that comes close

Barometric pressure sensors are for indoor location augmentation. Based on your location's relative elevation, they can be used to calculate what floor you are on inside a building. These sensors will soon be ubiquitous and will be used in a variety of applications once they're common place—advanced E911/emergency or

Dassault aviation, eh? Looks like I better cancel my G6 order—might get the Falcon business jet instead.

SwiftKey vs. Swype—who will win?

@FiberOpticsGuy: Considering that Samsung may have a new Tegra2-based Tab in 1H 2011, I'm not holding my breath on Honeycomb for this Tab. That said, it's a great device for what it does.

@chaboud: Say what you will about the benefits of drag-and-drop and suckiness of iTunes, but nothing on Android (I've tried doubleTwist, Winamp, Windows Media Player...even VCAST!) comes close to the simplicity of iTunes + iPod/iPhone for media "management". Perhaps it's my fault for using iTunes in the first place

@FriarNurgle: Is that the CEO who posted his SSN in the ad claiming LifeLock could prevent any misuse—and then he was scammed 42 times?

@Hooray4Zoidberg: That's crazy talk! That might actually empower consumers to pick and choose their channels a la carte! But that will result in fewer channels subscribed, as pesky consumers would prefer to stream more content instead. Fewer channels = fewer advertising outlets for the media conglomerates (can we

How long before Comcast bundles Hulu+ with their DVR service (for a fee, but of course!)

It's a well-known fact that CDMA uses separate channels for "circuit-switched" voice and packet-switched 3G data. The newer chipsets from Qualcomm will allow phones to use 1x and DO channels simultaneously—previously this was prohibitive for battery life and network utilization but Qualcomm worked some magic in their

That fancy new 700mhz LTE stick you got might still work at 30,000 feet...network isn't fully built yet but just sayin'...

@Dallifornia: Promote +1. If you're looking for serious scientific discussion, try something called a "journal"...not a blog.

Y'all betta recognize that 4G isn't just about the air interface—it's also the packet core network underneath. The difference between Verizon's "4G" and T-Mobile or Sprint's is in the underlying packet core that is now unified between Verizon (FiOS anyone?) and Verizon Wireless.

@Y2KGTP: no, but it is so *fly* like a G6

@trs: This pic totally legitimizes a dozen or so mythologies regarding Hades, Hell, the Underworld, etc. If I saw this live thousands of years ago, I'd lose my shit and invent crazy theories too!

@ortizlgnd4: Curious, are the Chinese (as a majority) more polytheistic or atheistic?

It's important to understand that the Tab is a different kind of tablet than the iPad—while comparisons are inevitable, I think the Tab is more of a "fixed-function" mobile companion device, while the iPad is more of a "netbook replacement" device.

This makes no sense. Google has no reason to make a Nexus Two. What they *might* need is a new Dev Phone model so that developers have an unadulterated Android platform for Gingerbread/Honeycomb development. But all indications are that the Nexus One is perfectly fine handling Gingerbread, and they are still selling

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Relax, LTE *is* the preferred path towards LTE Advanced, and uses the same 4G packet core network. LTE to LTE Advanced might even be a soft upgrade.