
…I didn't get that until just now.


People who watch Grey’s have been through a lot with Grey’s (these are people who did not write the show off forever when Izzy had ghost sex or George got hit by a bus or McDreamy by a truck).

I had just assumed it was a meta-joke, but your explanation is far simpler.

At one point there was a line about the clip show being 'contractually obligated'. Does anybody know if this is true? And why would it be true? To lower the cost of production, or to give the staff a break?

So, no guesses yet on what the CDL could be? Would they even get through the filter?

"Also, just a reminder that Jenny’s mom is supposed to a 28-year-old who had Jenny when she was 14."

Yeah, and look how well that worked out:

So, season finale, final scene after the big resolution to whatever plot was teased in the ads. Woman walking in to the hospital, only seen from behind. Walks up to the counter where, let's say Meredith is standing. Asks to find someone, Dr. Hunt. And who are you, Mer asks? His sister. Dun dun dunnnnnnn! Fade

"Remember when those two were exes on Grey’s Anatomy?"

What if Owen's sister is actually Maya Pope?

Do I smell a Scandal crossover episode?

Ah. I had to step away from the TV for about 30 seconds, must have missed it. Though it was odd for them to bring him in just to be background.

Adele irritated the shit out of me and I was glad when she died.

Did Wil HWheaton get any lines at all?

That is exactly the thing I thought of as well.

I thought the same thing. I do wonder how many people still get a dead rabbit reference these days.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that. But imagine if that got them back together in real life!!!

Rafael Sbarge! I knew I recognized him, but couldn't place him.

"…jumping on a bandwagon that has PC Principal at the yolk."