
That was a very Spartacus-ish comment.


I'm not your guy, friend.

When it’s revealed that there was no crime at all, and Oscar’s sister’s overdose had been ceased as an opportunity…

I see what you did there.

I noticed one of the video games at the Kwik-E-Mart was 'Marbury v Madison'. I can only imagine what the gameplay is like.


"Did you smoke a little before you came out here, is that what happened?"

Does nobody else remember Koko B. Ware and the JYD?

We're here!

I'm out! And proud! MONOLOGUE PRIDE!!!

I can't help it. I love me some Joe Morton monologues. Doesn't matter how ridiculous.

I rather enjoyed the Phil Simms callback. Also the fact that Sherlock calls him Phillip.

One down…

I had just assumed it was going to be Hawking from the beginning.

So wait, is Cheryl/Carol/Whatever no longer turned on by being choked, or does it have to be a guy?

It's actually 'Miss' Chnandler Bong…

I would think that JAG and its spin-off NCIS would be very good examples of this phenomenon.

What, no love for the mini episode on Thanksgiving Day? Or as we call it in Canada, Thursday?

Wow. That takes me back. Well done sir/madam.