
Thoughts and prayers

I knew Chris Long spoke on some real shit but I love him now.

I’ve run out of different ways to say “LeBron is the best player I’ve ever watched, and I will be incredibly bummed when he finally retires”

As usual, black women go hard in the paint.

But every year one or two of his seven wins come at the Hawks’ expense.

Jeff Fisher in that coat looks like he lives according to Jim Tomasula lifehacks.

They do. Would of helped if they didn’t lose by fucking 40

Gotta love Penn State agreeing to restart the Pitt rivalry after 15 years, only to have it cost them a playoff spot.

If Green doesn’t like people talking about his kicks, he should stop bringing them up.

But since they haven’t done that and they still worship his child rape enabling ass like a god, fuck PSU

Uh if the PSU alumni and fan base would, for the most part, acknowledged that Joe Paterno was a horrible human being and stop denying he was innocent and what he was a part of should never be excused just because he was good at winning football games, I might be inclined to agree with you.

It wouldn’t have happened at Notre Dame. It’s hard to rush a dead videographer back onto the field.

Bet the millenial snowflake players demanded water during 3-a-days too. This is why we’re losing to China. No one’s willing to play with a broken back anymore.

You make a Power(ful)Point.

Texas is a complicated state. Its people will surprise you sometimes.