
that police chief is retiring at the end of the month. the union will just wait to get a new chief appointed and then the cop will be reinstated. hopefully that mayor has a backbone.

yeah, this is a bad take. if you do a bit of history on how systemic racism works, you’ll see that “colonizers/wypipo/slavers” pales in comparison to jim crow, lynchings, the prison industrialization, and a whole list of shit that YOUR people have installed to maintain superiority. we don’t need your sorrow bruh, we

“hE hAd a CoNtRaCt hE tUrNeD dOwN”

“hE wAs DrIvInG wiThOut a LicENse aNd haD WEED”

im confused regarding papagiannis. if i understand this correctly, the cavs/jazz paid his salary, but he stayed on the kings roster?

subscribed to league pass just to be able to watch him. regret not doing this years ago. he does things every night that are ridiculous

reading this makes me feel shitty for having blamed it all on khloe, even though i cant stand her. he was going through some real shit and instead of being concerned for him, i (and many others) just shitted on his wife. glad hes doing better.

yeah man i grew up in houston and atlanta so ive seen my share of shitty sports franchises (david carr texans, astros apart from that one world series run in ‘05, pre- matt ryan falcons, the hawks before 2010). i cant figure out if simmons is the dumbest smart person or the smartest dumb person when it comes to

hey man i live in boston so it’s refreshing to hear someone be reasonable about the situation. the Cs wont go anywhere with IT as their best player. honestly, their best hope is that AD gets fed up and requests a trade. you seem reasonable. you dont need me to tell you boston fans are annoying. say anything that

Davis also has to deal with a dreadful Pelicans training staff. They were literally taken from the Saints and switched to another sport.

those poor bastards in ohio. lebron gets you a title and you have golic talking about titletown...then the baseball team chokes, and now the shitstains.

i scroll to the comments just to see if this guy has left a gem. these are god-level insights.

not if you actually look at the percentages. more white people yes, but they are also the majority. look at how many black people are killed by police in reference to the percentage of americas demo graphic they make up. disproportionate to say the least. targeting at the worst.

none of those men did anything that warranted their deaths. freddie gray was in the back of a police van with handcuffs on. are you serious? also, the lessons black fathers and white fathers teach their sons regarding police are very different.

perfectly said.

false equivalency bruh. what kaepernick is talking about is the number of hashtags that have been created by police brutality. you and i shouldnt know the names philando castile, freddie gray, or eric garner, but we do because they were murdered by those sworn to protect and serve. how many of those officers do you

because no white fathers do that.

as bad as this is going to look from a PR standpoint, my respect for kaepernick has grown. and the whole “black people kill, rob and commit crime at a higher rate than anyone else” is a convenient way to overlook the desolate situations many poor and uneducated people of color find themselves in more often than their

Who in recent memory that has been killed by police was acting violently? Freddie Gray? Philando Castile? Alton Sterling? Eric Garner? Walter Scott? Get outta here with that bullshit man. You need to get real that the people who are here “to protect and serve” are killing black people at a hugely disproportionate

The cops that walked off can’t even say it was because “there was anti-police rhetoric being used” (some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t). They had the Dallas PD logo on the shirt as well. They took an anti-violence stand, and those punks walked out. Fuck them then. I’m sure