This is the least bad “bad opinion” I’ve heard on this.
This is the least bad “bad opinion” I’ve heard on this.
It is, let me say here, quite weird to project your own beliefs and aspirations onto an octogenarian Supreme Court…
Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate, despite the fact that he can’t decide whether or not he’s…
Talking about pussies, ass, and tits =/= talking about women.
Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff.
At the top of the 9:00 am hour of NBC’s Today Monday morning, better known as Today’s Take, the first thing Tamron…
Kellyanne Conway had a big task on Sunday, making a variety of creative excuses for the rage-addled Oompa Loompa…
So, they’re totally fucking, right? I mean, he’s at least letting Billy suck his dick, right?
I think the heavy cocaine use right before the debate can only make it harder.
The looming pissed me off so much. I was just WAITING for him to completely invade her personal space or touch her or ughhh. Just GET AWAY FROM HER, ASSHOLE.
This shit for real raised my heart rate just watching it happen. Too many flashbacks to creepy men hovering and invading my personal space.
That moment where he went up right behind her and just stood there staring while she talked made me so uncomfortable. I watched with a bunch of friends and all the women thought it was so creepy and none of the men could understand why.
It is hard, sometimes, to stand still.
On Sunday night as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton warily stalked each other around the floor of the debate hall, La…
my only tweet of the night
That photo of Bill looks like he’s being physically restrained after being provoked to violence by Ken Bone.
His name is Bone. Ken Bone. That’s K-E-N B-O-N-E and he’s reserved a junior suite.
Just an observation...