
I forget where I heard this from (TV show or something?) but it was something like “The secret to a successful bistro is knowing that people really want to just eat breakfast all day.”

Par for the course?

“DNA testing company could not distinguish between the two”
Question: Was it meant to?
An analysis of the DNA is the only thing promised best I can tell. “Quick movements” and “cardiac output for long endurance” sounds like most dogs to me.

This is a nice alternative. I believe they were using the “teen buzz” previously which is a little irritating if you still have that range of hearing.

I’m not saying it’s a good thing. Ignorance is bad too which is why they started educating students on it a few years back, but I’m just saying this fad isn’t one born from a racial agenda. Making sweeping generalizations about a country and it’s people is how this mess started, so I don’t know how that same train is

Depends on context. Same as racial comedy, which is very dependent on the intent and beliefs of the teller. Like Chappelle telling a racial joke vs Michael Richards telling the same joke. Of what I’ve seen, I haven’t seen the fascination as more than interest in outfits (especially in Japan, animes, pop singers, ect)

All I am saying is that I know for sure there are Nazi-esque white supremists in North America where the symbol still carries weight. In Asia with asian people believing in white supremacy? Unsure.

“Ask a Holocaust survivor about “Perspective.” and how Thais trivialize it.”
So you’re saying that asking someone with a heavy bias on a subject is the way to get an unbiased answer?

All about perspective. I’d argue that a place that trivializes a symbol of hate to the point that it’s practically fiction, is actually further away from having nazi hate groups becoming a thing than North America is.

That’s a stretch isn’t it? Do you actually believe that a company would make a knee jerk reaction in 5 days to something they likely had been planning for the last 4 years since the last world cup patch, to not charge for the patch, which in no way would have been effected by Belgian’s decision? A decision which would

Unfortunately, Snickers contains milk ingredients.

“Sushi by Yuji” if you are looking for a more traditional place. Small bites, slightly pricier than the other places, but excellent quality. “Sushiyama” is my recommendation for the every day / stuff your face type place. Portions are pretty generous.

I’m in Vancouver, and it seems the restaurants here have a thing for making the nigiri bigger and bigger. It’s not really possibly to do it in 1 bite at most of the everyday / not fancy places.

Supposedly it’s about control. The rice ball will sponge up the soy sauce and it’s a higher risk of ending up with too much.

I believe it’s proper to do when you’re having sashimi though? What I’ve heard at least.

Nutrition? Really? I eat steak because it’s delicious. Period.

Get that compost started. Healthy cooking usually means most of that waste is biodegradable.

Damaged reputation? Hot enough to send someone to the hospital sounds like an endorsement for what’s supposed to be a top tier fiery pepper.

I could have sworn I saw someone already doing this on an image board somewhere a few years ago but might just be getting deja vu

They can be collectible. Stored correctly, parts of it are likely still edible.