
Oh cool! New highlight reel with an embedded video, let me just go navigate to youtube instead.

Who actually cares what PETA thinks?

Politics aren’t simple, and most of what I said are politics. They only need to align for it to happen, but “difficult” is getting that alignment.

The “PROOF” is you showing me how easy it is. All you have to do is get Microsoft and Sony to “want to do it”. It’s really the only thing stopping them right? Don’t give me a “It’s easy, as long as someone else does it” answer. Start a petition. Lobby them. I really don’t know. It’s difficult to me, because I have

It’s generally not that easy. Usually the issues come from legal agreements because this is bridging an environment between 2 competing companies. Console to PC is fine, because Epic would be one of the parties and would be able to make agreements directly with Sony or MS. Especially when microtransactions are

“Is it going to be racist?” By “racist”, do you mean that particular skin pigments and/or lack of contrast in some people’s appearance causes the facial recognition to not work well, OR do you actually mean “racist”, as in the facial recognition works extremely well, determines a race, and then makes a decision to

National video game day is like every day for me...

Seriously just stop posting about him. It’s like every other week you give him free advertising about how he’s being offensive and then another post about how he’s sorry, and then he does it over and over again. Pewdiepie seems to get reported here more than any other particular game or subject.

I’ll never understand why rhythm games choose to use up down left right for 4 channels over something like left up triangle circle

Because people got exactly what they paid for. It would be irresponsible to spend someone else’s money on something other than what they gave the money for.

3.0 is out for Path of Exile so I’m going to be playing that.

“It’s surprising that Honda dealerships are screwing Type R buyers again.”

Maybe they did it on purpose.

Then how do we still have chickens, but no T-rexes? ‘Splain dat!

So this is telling us Blizzard needs to implement a politically correct participation trophy style system?

Also, update your operating system. Microsoft released an update that fixed the vulnerability that the recent wave of ransomware used like 2 months before it had happened.

I don’t think that’s water... I fear “Earth fart” may be a lot closer to what it actually was.

Thoughts on Path of Exile? A lot of people say it scratches the D2 itch

To push the bounds of human knowledge ever forward, there must be sacrifices.

Oh I see how it is. So when you cross into Canada, it’s all igloos and snowmen.