
It cost nuggs guy 2 tweets for $1000 of nuggs? Yes, it does seem like it’s worth it.

It’s the internet. They draw memes for themselves, not because a corporation has asked them to. Any advertisement generated is unintentional.

How much are the non unionized workers making?

This win was vegan.

I’m sure the charges will be dropped when he tells the judge that it was just a pack and calls them a bro.

I can’t imagine why they profile the race of the car when they shoot at it. I always imagined they took actions against the car based on what the car was doing, regardless of the colour of the paint.

Is this legit ketchup? Heinz’s health conscious ketchup options that I’ve seen always list it as “Ketchup Style Sauce”, and that really irks me the wrong way.

Is this legit ketchup? Heinz’s health conscious ketchup options that I’ve seen always list it as “Ketchup Style

They’ve got a low budget brand of juice called “Sad”?

Probably too busy checking facebook to notice.

I get wicked bad tetris syndrome. Hard to keep your mind on a car crash i guess if all you see is falling blocks when you close your eyes.

The statue’s new hairstyle is pretty gangster.

Did the order protect women in the work place, or did it protect everybody?

Is this first level personally identifiable information or just general? Like Steve searched for cute bear pictures from IP “X” on this date, vs a customer searched for cute bear pictures from this ISP.

Dunno if it’s an old chef’s myth, but I’ve always been told that hot food into a cold fridge leaves some sort of magical bacterial paradise for stuff to grow. Laziness probably? If the rice is still hot, we just leave it in the steamer to cool because no one wants to wait around for it to cool off. It usually does

As someone in an Asian family who eats rice about 5 or so days a week, I’ve never in my life had issues that I’d suspect was the rice. Leftover rice often gets left over night in the rice steamer to cool, which eventually ends up being fried rice or congee and I haven’t had issues with it.

“It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Do they make the opposite side? you know, so I can lego my controllers and junk to walls?

Honestly, I feel someone invested enough to write a review about a game, is invested enough. A compromise would be fine though if they just allow a filter to exclude reviews of users who didn’t pay for it.  

I think on Domesticated_Appliances’s point is that a disclaimer will not stop someone from mis-gauging their particular situation and being negatively affected anyways.

Well, excuse doctors for not being able to David Blaine that baby out of there.