Reuters is reporting tonight that Uber faces a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice for using…
Reuters is reporting tonight that Uber faces a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice for using…
I posted this is in the initial AHCA post, but there were 600+ comments so I’m sure it got lost. I just wanted to share my experience today in DC because it was so utterly sickening:
SB 562 is working its way through the California legislature. Some text...
At approximately 2:15pm today, 217 House Republicans voted to repeal much of the Affordable Care Act, sending their…
Rep. David Eastman (R-Wasilla) is pretty sure that Alaskan women are running a real tricky con with this abortion…
I actually found myself asking “What ever happened to The New Deal? Which was odd. WWII got us out of a funk put people to work go the econ going again. This War was reverse. Drained us dry killing us off slowly. I feel like we are slowly pulling a Roman Empire.
I think you mean, lowering taxes on rich people and taking away worker’s health care. Everyone knows that’s the key to unlocking growth which will help everyone.
How happy were House Republicans to vote to send thousands of people to their deaths today?
Ivanka Trump would like you to imagine a table.
$36k for a NORMAL pregnancy????
Praise sweet baby Jesus. Keep it up, the few, the brave, the non-panderers. It’s not like it would ever stand in the Senate anyway.
Considering I just called my congressman to register my anger and disgust for his vocal support of the new ACHA bill - esp considering he’s anti-choice and now apparently also thinks it’s fine for insurers not to cover pregnancy and childbirth (I pointed out to the poor phone answering person that my perfectly normal…
Norcross isn’t having any of this TrumpNoCare BS and hopefully the rest of our Jerseyagan reps follow suit.
Wtf is a “whip count”? If they’re short some whips, I could loan a cat-o-nine if they let me use it on a few GoPers first.
5 of those votes shy come from (R) reps in the Philly/South Jersey area.
Per Snopes:
OT: From a few minutes ago...
Please tell me we’re not going to see this image over and over and over again as some sort of proof of god and his goodness and the strength of his will and bla bla bla ....
As we all know, 1997 Seventeen magazine cover girl and Donald Trump’s faux feminist Iago Ivanka Trump has a book…