That BuzzFeed article was fantastic, I remember reading it when it came out! Lovely that they actually do serious journalism too.
That BuzzFeed article was fantastic, I remember reading it when it came out! Lovely that they actually do serious journalism too.
Because every rape victim wears a body cam just so they can prove they fought off their attacker. Good job humanity!
I emailed Jezebel hoping they would post this story. Since I haven’t seen it yet, I thought I would share it here because it’s important.
I posted on Tumblr my love for niecy in claws on Tumblr and it was reblogged like 50 times and liked 10 times. A record for me. I’ve never had a post reblogged. Even once. I got all woozy on the power. Nice while it lasted.
One time I got 38 likes, 16 retweets and 7 comments. I was pretty stoked because i’m pathetic.
I enjoy things going viral.
This is Republican senator Jerry Moran, of Kansas.
They’re similar in as much as they’re both noises made by birds. Chickens go “cuck, cuck, cuck”, while turkeys go “goebbel, goebbel, goebbel”.
“People don’t have the right to impose their lifestyle on others who have an equal right to be left alone
Were I a mother with young children, I might be hesitant to bring children to a beach in which loads of women were topless.
From the navel up, the only physiological difference they care about between men and women is that women have larger mammary tissue to house the biological foundation for nourishing infants. Sexualizing that is gross. Yes, I understand that this is 2017 and women’s breasts have been seen as sexual organs forever, but…
This is an important victory which I will celebrate in spirit with Madrid. Obligatory man-spreading story: a few weeks ago I was on a flight in a middle seat and the dude sitting next to me was man-spreading with his foot OVER the little metal partition on the floor separating seats so his leg was into the space in…
I don’t know, I use nipple clamps for chip clips.
In these troubled times, our standards for “really smart” are as skewed as our standards for hot.
There was literally a moment when he was walking in the room that I thought, “Wait, is Comey kind of hot?” I think it was the height thing. But then he said his age and I was like, “Aghh, he’s almost as old as my parents, no, no, no.”
The real-time Celebrity Apprentice spinoff that is the White House now has Attorney General Jeff Sessions–early…
The only possible way of damaging a fuel pump when racing is repeatedly racing with very little fuel in the tank. This prolonged use with little cooling can theoretically can stress the pump from heat. Of course the same habit in street use would cook it just the same. Fuel pumps are on or off. What the engine does…
Jesus Christ. This woman is doing it right. Driving the car for what it’s intended. Marketing the fuck out of both it and herself. AND improving her skills in a driver’s car.
Meanwhile, America’s alt-right are looking into every connection of Seth Rich to try and pin his murder on the DNC/Clinton (while all evidence still points to a botched robbery) even though every person who has claimed to have “evidence” of this has completely backtracked their stories.