Una Bear Dog

Are you alright, Melania?

This isn’t about telling babies to go die.


And those young healthy people tend to do things like:

If you’re waiting around for Gina Trapani to post something, you’re a few years too late.

Yep. Those young men were babies once. And fuck babies, right?

“He said this is fair to young and healthy people, who can now “pick and choose” their insurance”

As a kid with way too much time to kill, I toyed with the UV light in a spy kit on just about anything - and I remember hard candies would glow that same blue and would keep glowing faintly for a while after the light was off.

Also, Cheez Whiz. Cheez Whiz glows. For a while. Never trusted the thing after.

Impressive. Truly impressive. Why couldn’t we get someone like her in the role of a super hero?

Jessie Graff is so amazing. I watched her on ANJ and the shit she does is outrageous. I didn’t know her upbringing. That is incredibly badass.

“Heard the myth”? Obviously it’s not a myth because you just explained that it is real and also literally all you have to do to see if it is real or not is go into a dark room with a mirror and bite down on a Wint-O-Green mint, I thought everyone did this as a kid. 

Under his eye, Ofgizmodo.

Jesus, we live in a dark world.

*slow clap*

When will the Reichstag fire be? Timothy Snyder gives us less than a year, we are in the midst of regime change.

This kid is giving me some hope for the future.

I’m a compassionate person. I’m very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer.