Umrguy42: Add $5 for shipping and handling

Yeah, there’s definitely a movement issue (plus being pics on my cellphone rather than a nicer camera), along with trickiness trying to get it ‘held’ on the planet(s) long enough to try and focus better to take a picture. I’m probably gonna buy like a 2x Barlow lens(?) to increase the magnification (I have a 10mm lens

Yeah, I could see Jupiter and Saturn naked eye, but no rings, back in July (and since). I’d never realized just how obvious Jupiter would be (or even Saturn).

Hey, this is 2020. “Didn’t fuck it up” may not be an overly-high bar, but it’s something, at least.

I wasn’t a Day 1 player, but I’m all over the Fate/Grand Order over here.

he could just drive there.

*pictures David Tracy-as-Paul Hogan going “That’s nawt some rust”*

You’re not the only who had this thought.

This feels over-optimistic in how fast he’ll even be able to get the van going first to get that far, though ;p

...I’m not sure what to think on this one. It feels a little like going after Amazon cuz they have the big pockets. Like, if I walk into a Walmart and buy pay-as-you-go phone, and the battery explodes on me, should I be blaming Walmart or the manufacturer? I mean, if Amazon didn’t store the batteries properly, and/or

So if Betelgeuse went supernova tomorrow* and left behind a black hole (I believe that the idea now is that all supernovas result in black holes? Or almost all?), would we with our current telescopes and other instrumentation be well placed to actually detect and confirm said black hole and its formation (and get

Yeah, more likely it was a bad cold/flu (maybe not flu, too short for that?), I’ve been seeing a lot of people with similar stories around mid to late December of last year (including me - two days of misery, pushing off our trip to family, but at least that delay also coincided with probably the two worst days to try

Now playing

I know it’s not really the right thing, but this is almost obligatory to share for ship issues.

Plus, what happens with the CR/Sentai(HiDive) partnership if they go to Sony?

Better at $60 or 70 per year (I think it’s going/gone up, but us current subscribers got like a ‘grace year’ or something?).

I’d hold off more but I need to at least talk to mine about whether this sensitive area (that really sucks, actually) is a cavity yet, or if we should do a filling in the near future or what to stop random tooth pain when I’m like, eating pizza, or a sandwich, or something. (Last time, they did the yearly x-rays, and

Yeah, where I live, we have one active mall, one effectively (actually?) dead that the latest owners aren’t paying taxes on either, and one dying. (And they’d already lost 2 other smaller ones years before I’d moved here, although about half of one of those is now ‘surviving’ as something closer to a strip mall...)

I may have to check out opposition in October. I’m in self-quarantine right now thanks to a family visit, and I noted the other night what I thought might be Mars (since I could still see what I presume are the Jupiter/Saturn pairing that we could see really nice last month elsewhere in the sky). I just have a dinky

I may be misremembering exact numbers, plus inflation and all that, but I seem to recall it was this HUGE deal when Cameron spent $200+ million to make Titanic. It was sort of this sign of “no, he’s really going all-out on this thing” and all.