
The original Spiderman was a great movie to be fair.

I heard his songs yesterday I was like, "Huh, I could dig it."

They are the main source of information that the President of the United States relies on. I kind of wonder if that's making some of the executives moderate their tone?

What did the five Zach Snyder fans have a news alerts set up? What is with the comments, he made these terrible movies he can stand the heat.

Baseball is an electric blanket of a sport. I love it.

Kind of a morbid thought, but you think Charlie Hunnam would have anywhere near the same career if Heath Ledger were still alive?

Books don't exist in Trump's world.

They pump out a lot of crap.

Behind the facade this author tries to maintain clearly lies a deep seated distaste for Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore.

FX Now

Mmm-hmmm yeah right, buster

"Unlike millennials, [Generation Z] is ambitious, engaged, and feel like they can change the world."

David Wenham was by far the best part of the show, his motivations were strongly developed. Finn has now been terribly cast twice, he was the absolute wrong way to go for Loras Tyrell.

Why should we care about Danny Rand's half-assed journey to regain his company? He didn't deserve the company, it's not like he understood what it did or worked for years to make it great. He inherited it like a spoiled rich kid, then steam rolled everyone involved without going to work for an afternoon or listening

I thought it was derailed because "Japanese penis isa so small."

Huh.. That actually looks like a movie I want to see. Third time's the charm, Snyder!

That was really embarrassing. I like Maddow generally but that was terrible.

I love this show and can't wait for it to come back. Thank God for the people who run Comedy Central giving a damn about quality.

ET is a terrifying movie to small children. That was the first movie I truly remember being scared of. When it ended my cousins put in Jurassic Park, which was the second movie I truly remember being scared of. I was like, five.

It stands alone apparently.