
In America 21st century, sorry, that's feminist.

But maybe he worked with someone he loved and respected as an artist? Is that worse?

If Joss Whedon isn't a feminist, I'm not a feminist. It's not a condemnation. Just a statement that his work is clearly the work of an ally and I don't support stabbing allies in the back at the nearest provocation.

I thought the constant red shirt deaths were hilarious. "Where are these people coming from!?!"

It was a bait and switch. I thought it was going to be the wight army attacking Eastwatch. Notice the harbor wasn't frozen over either, take that, internet!

They shot that scorpion twice! And the second bolt knocked the dragon from the sky. Just saying, that scheme did not see it's day. You put like, ten of those in the Red Keep and you could do some real damage.

But if you're studying a change in a system, focusing on an unimportant variable is silly.

Sansa isn't the Lord of the North. She's essentially Jon's hand and running stuff while he's away.

It just seems strange to me to blame his victory in any way on a constituency that compromised probably the smallest group of his supporters. When you isolate for people who watch South Park, then for people who's world views were significantly shaped by South Park, the analysis completely falls apart.

Who? Tomi Laren? Milo? Neither are that "rising"

"Less than 50% of registered Latinos vote in an election largely about the worth of Latino people, journalists blame young people and South Park."

This entire article asserts South Park raised a generation of Trump supporting trolls. That is the claim being made, that this generation of trolls is decisive in Trump's election.

Any analysis of Trump's campaign that blames young people is flawed. They were not a major factor in his victory at all.

Who cares? They didn't vote for him! You might as well blame Latinos for not voting against the guy actively demonizing them. Less than 50% of registered Latino voters voted. Young people did not drive the Trump train, some may have been on board but he's not going anywhere with the youth vote alone.

Trump was not elected by the youth of this country no matter how much you want to say "they helped". He lost us by a thirty point margin.

"37% of millenials vote for Trump, journalists wonder why young people support him"

Young people elected Donald Trump? The problem with this country lies with the old people, not the young. Young people aren't watching 6 hours of cable news a day and trying to bring back 1950.

I think I played this game all the way through like, five times.

We were arguing about this last night, did he say, "He's bald." as the reason he hated the top not? Like it was covering up his bald spot?

What do you mean? Something has already come of it. He was explicitly told he was meeting a Russian government agent and said, "I'd love to."