
Wow, Dreamworks did Prince of Egypt, Antz, Shrek and Chicken Run all in a row? I loved all of those movies. Prince of Egypt may be the story of Moses but God damn… that music! Antz was bizarrely wonderful as the Woody Allen ant movie. Chicken Run was the Wallace and Gromit people and I think I watched it with my niece

I think no one should be forced to shower with anyone, we have the technology. I certainly wasn't in school, extracurricular's and that's it.

I agree, but I would also say the Republicans will use anything we write to demonize us. Look at the waters and streams of the US regulation. Basically it said you can't dump pollutants into water sources that run downstream. The main effect was to stop coal companies dumping coal dust in WV streams. The right turned

The Democrats tried to pass an antidiscrimination ordinance in a few Southern localities, including Charlotte and Houston, protecting LGBT people from discrimination in the public commons. The Republican response to that was to launch an all out ad blitz essentially claiming Democrats were thrusting pedophiles onto

Ok, many people like provocateurs and that's your right. I don't.

No, he's just like Breitbart and Bannon because he practices the sneering cynical style of American politics, that reduces your opponents and their arguments into caricatures while implying your own great intelligence. And I've been watching him on and off for decades.

I would argue Trump is the nadir of a long descent our society has undertaken towards the lowest damn road we could collectively find. Trump is not new to me, he is the ultimate FOX News candidate. A spewing, bloviating jerk who doesn't respect anyone or anything. The only way we move beyond Trump and those like him

Someone can be prominent and on TV and still be irrelevant as a driving political force.

"Maher does not show people basic respect. Lots of people don't like that in general. But I like the fact he acts like an asshole rather than rather than treating people with courtesy and respect. Too may decent people are respectful of the individuality of human beings distinct from their cultural or ethnic

Well, I think we can agree that while we both may express a belief in a person's individuality, we don't extend that same courtesy to our political opponents. Our views of the left and right (and I'm sure "the media") lump numerous people into a collective negative stereotypes.

Right, but if you're going to cause a plaintiff harm, there better be a justification for it. If you are just going to commit harm to someone without justification, the law demands an answer to why. Trump didn't even attempt to demonstrate the harm to America from letting these people in, he simply claimed the

I think people on the left get confused, they are not angry that people like Milo are bigots, they are angry that people like Milo reject humanism. We get caught up trying to find the exact moment when he uttered some bigoted or racist comment, but the fact remains he is expressing a worldview that lumps people into

This isn't really a hot take, it's a long retrospective on his career, juxtaposing his current moment in the spotlight with past periods of genuine cultural relevance. You can disagree with the premise if you like but he's not wrong, Bill Maher has been preaching to the choir for decades and his whole "offensive"

Right, one is an actual utilitarian argument, the other is simply an incomplete one.

There's a difference between acting like an asshole and proudly declaring asshole status.

Conservatives in my experience almost always discount the legal principal of "harm". They often chalk questions of harm up to "feelings". They think they are making purely rational arguments when they ignore harm, but harm is something the law actually considers with good reason. The immigration ban is a good example

We can become a nation of assholes!

Going full Madonna I see.

Isn't Paige like, 20? What are they making the movie about? Oh, a hot young chick who enters the wrestling world. That makes sense on many levels.

Oh, by character problem I thought you meant they have no moral center. Which is also true. I never know who to root for in DC movies. It's not like it's because they're morally complicated, but because everyone's a jerk.