
Clearly the heights of an actor's peak are more important than batting average. Not sure how you'd even argue otherwise.

Dippin' Dots suck.

Sketchily edited videos are sketchy.

Without the opportunity to offend there would be very little good comedy.

Wow, suspended immediately and indefinitely over a bad joke on Twitter…

You really think SNL would fire a comedy writer over a bad joke? Seems that would have a chilling affect, no?

You know, that video was clearly edited on second thought…

Was CHiPS good?

What this man did to Avatar: The Last Airbender should be punishable with jail time.

I get people from the Midwest just fine. The problem is that a critical mass of young Midwesterners moved to Colorado, Oregon, the south and the Sun Belt in pursuit of jobs leaving behind all their old, bitter parents. All my cousins from Indiana and Michigan have moved, along with all their friends from high school,

How will the franchise survive without endless cameos?

He enjoyed the fact that Trump could act like an asshole for months at a time and get elected President. It gave him hope that our nation could be recast into a nation of assholes, in which men like Kanye West and Donald Trump run everything.

Deserve? You know this is life right?

Anyone who hates Beauty and the Beast because it somehow represents a triumphant patriarchy or something is trying way, way too hard.

Why did they make a 90 minute filler episode? As far as I could tell it was like 50 minutes of commercials.

I don't think they actually conceived of Trump winning.

People in the Andes are obsessed with coca. They put it in everything, drink coca tea all day, chew coca. You can buy it in sacks on every street corner. The criminality of it seems ludicrous when you return to the states.

The problem with people who don't vote is that they by and large still feel entitled to share their opinion of the government and country with you.

I love Rand University.

I assume that's true of many things in my life, actually.