
I often find it funny with the attention we now pay to ethnically accurate casting how often we make choices that might be considered worse by the people we're trying to represent.

I was saying, "Someone should remake Sinbad." Like a year ago. Guess they do read my comments!

Oh we don't agree in the slightest. Donald Trump is a crazy person who should lose. I just don't like public shaming.

"No board members, we didn't waste a bunch of money! We're reaching out to black people! Why do you hate black people??"

She probably thinks someone will vote based on her views. Which they likely will. Both ideas make me sad mad.

It actually reinforces it. She went off on that guy in borderline deranged fashion. I'm voting for Hillary and don't like Trump but man was that uncomfortable. Her letter wasn't much better. This election's making people lose it.

I'm a big Cubs fan, I occasionally check their record in the newspaper.

I'm from Baltimore, haha. There is indeed bad blood.

It's worth mentioning the Cleveland Indians were the perennial loser team in a loser city in Major League.

I think I would leave from discomfort more than anything. I hate Trump but awkward situations are my nightmare.

Well, it would be hard to make Snyder's Batman noticeably darker, I think.

Well, I'd guess the difference between your quality of life and theirs is a lot smaller than the difference between a Yemeni tribesman's quality of life and your own.

Um, every actor is on IMDB, what the fuck is the actual problem?

Oh I definitely enjoy it. It just seems like a thin game to me. But the strategy involved is definitely a lot deeper than anything you'll get from many other shooters. I think having these distinct characters with zero backstory is what threw me a little, it just seems there should be more to the game.

Well, yeah he likely would be. It's also true though, that in the opinion of the Florida court Martin very well could have killed Zimmerman in self-defense.

Yeah, but how we feel about it personally is a separate question.


His longer answer on Trayvon Martin's shooting was an intelligent one, and correct. The problem with the Trayvon case was completely broken, bullshit self-defense laws. It was a legally justified shooting, as far as we know, it's just also basically legal to be an armed vigilante in Florida. The second a punch is

Actually if Billy Bush had been silent or aggressive we likely wouldn't even have this tape in the first place. He led Trump to spout garbage, and for that I thank him, even if he is obviously a tool.

Am I missing something in this game? Is there a menu I'm not finding? It's just like the same three game modes over and over and over again with no story or anything? I mean it's a lot of fun, it just seems like a really thin game.