
If they are even half as good as his old stuff it will be worth it. What's it been, a decade?

I asked my dad to take me, but he just got a far off look in his eyes and said, "Never again…"

Eh, Everybody Hates Chris died in the stupidest way you could imagine. They have this modus operandi of "Leave the Zombies alone" when they should take three seconds to kill them before wandering around the darkened warehouse.

Eh… c'mon.

I didn't say terrible, and on issues of actual social justice I'm right there with them. They're just eminently mock-able.

Wow, with these casting choices how can this not suck?

Ugh, the French.

It's like Empire Strikes Back in that they literally recreated the entire plot beat for beat with younger actors. "This time, they attack an entire solar system of ice bases!"

He's not even a great Bond. I hate the tone he takes with the role.

Drive them from the common square! Brand their foreheads!

I remember when the Guinness Book of World Records told you important things, like who the fattest twins on earth were, not this sill crap.

Don't think of it as 2016 sucking, think of it as the world saving all the good shit for 2017.

I didn't realize there was a second season planned. There's definitely going to be some huge event at the end of the season. Maybe Dr. Brown does end up leaving and they are pitted against another foe.

How do you think that's going to happen? The equestrian guy going to sell it to her or something?

I feel like this may be a bit of a controversial statement, but I also feel like a lot of critics are uncomfortable seeing Dr. Brown, Gamby and Russel as all flawed characters. The dynamic between them is too close to mirroring our societal racial dynamics. I think having two angry middle-aged white men fight over

The constant power plays among deeply flawed people just never stops amusing me. I love this show.

The Wrestlemania Fast 8 audience probably has huge crossover

Well, to be fair to McDonald's any company that can mass-produce artificial meat is going to save the planet.

Especially shows that cost nothing to make. It's just about the cheapest show ever made.

I think that would draw more attention to this incident than she craves at the moment.