
I dunno, I'm pretty removed from this, but rarely in pop culture does one get so thoroughly nailed being horrible. Especially someone as sanctified as Taylor Swift. It's also interesting to see Kanye with the curtain pulled back, based on this video it seems he clearly is just playing an insane person on TV.

Classic Gen X evasion tactics.

Did you expect better from this crew?


Dang, it's the 90's again.

Fair enough. But ad revenue for digital streams is always much lower. There's a reason Hulu struggled for many years. I think they're in a bit of a trap where they want to go digital but are constrained by their business model. Still sucks to be forced to buy yet another streaming service to watch a show, but hey,

Any media company that wants to spend a bucket of money on a show set in space is fine with me.

Eh you know what I meant. Free from the TV.

I wonder how well it would work in an open environment though? At a show you're pointing your phone at a target. I wonder how it would work without that direction.

It's really in another category than "fan film". Though I'm not sure why you resent CBS trying to break free of the cable package model of distribution for their content. I say more power to em.

That money wasn't going to social security. It was going to feasts for rich autocrats. It's not like he's Secretary of the Treasury, he's the moneyman for an overblown mafia boss.

Good Lord.

Hatesong is a trash feature that is rarely, if ever, interesting; and is more often offensive tell you the truth. The AV Club would do well to relegate that to the trash heap.

Still seems a little… spread out.

Oh most certainly. I still think he'd probably be the best King of the bunch. In terms of, you know, keeping the money flowing and the kingdom from rebelling. Would he disappear a few nobles in the process? Probably. But we're not choosing between a President and a King, we're choosing between tyrants and I'd rather

Kanye West and Lena Dunham… *shudder* what hath we wrought.

Appropriation for a fantasy setting is just lazy storytelling. Just make up some names that aren't "vaguely Indian".

The school was founded by two women and two men a thousand years earlier, so I didn't think so.

There's no way mud blood wasn't used to disparage an Irishmen at some point.

Or misogyny, seemingly, though I think misogyny never was a thing in Harry Potter either.