
You didn't roll your eyes when JK Rowling started listing all of the children and how they were named after every other character in the story? You seriously did not roll your eyes at the names James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna?

I always thought Marvel had the best approach, "Yeah we had slavery too, but the most badass country in the world is in Africa." Should she have had magical wizards in Africa prevent slavery, or would that be erasing the African American experience?

What is this bullshit? A quick google search shows the Wampus is Cherokee, Thunderbird is Pacific Northwest, Pukwudgie is the only one from New England and Horned Serpent is Cherokee as well. And the school is founded by European settlers? How many cultures is she going to appropriate and shoehorn into this school,

It wouldn't take THAT much, really. She could decide that x main character is too defiant of her and burn them to death. Again, I doubt it happens. But if they wanted to have her turn heel, burning Davos in dragonfire or something would be a good way to do so.

This is all true. And it's also a reason why I don't mind people like Littlefinger who don't follow the "honorable" rules. This isn't an honorable world. The only people who act like this crap makes any sense are the people who have a lot to lose from the House of Cards crumbling down.

"If things play out as I expect in the books" wasn't talking about the show. You asked why anyone wanted Frey pies. It was in the book and was a memorable scene.

A lot of people wanted Frey pies, it's one of the highlights from book five. Old fat Wyman Manderly, who you think is just cowardly following Ramsay, is actually a brilliant conspirator with a seriously nasty revenge streak. If things play out as I expect in the books, it will be the Lords of the North, led by

Not so much. Most of the Lords serving alongside Jon Snow were forced to go there after Robert's Rebellion. They hated him partly for volunteering for something they were forced to do. There is also the show version of Pyp, who was wrongly sent to the wall to cover up his Lord's homosexuality. It's not a great system,

They wanted Frey pies and they didn't want to introduce the Manderlys. That they then name dropped House Manderly and introduced their Lord only made it more bittersweet.

Agreed, I've been hoping they would sow the seeds of a heel turn for awhile. But the "I believe in you" speech from Tyrion pretty much ends that,

The first time you see Ned Stark he summarily executes a guy who just watched his friends slaughtered by a mythic beast. That guy was probably forced to spend his life in cold misery at the wall defending other people over some minor slight to an autocratic dictator (his Lord). Ned Stark was one of the staunchest

I, for one, would love to see a Batgirl movie where the protagonist stares at things for extended periods of time while vaguely 80's-ish music plays in the background.

Everyone is more questionable in the books. Even Tyrion basically becomes a spiteful, drunken obsessive in the fourth and fifth books. In the show he's just his good natured self to the end. I think in part that's because the show excises so much of the family oriented nature of the books. Tyrion killing his dad is a

It's more personal disappointment, really. I've been a big believer in the theory that the White Walkers are just the other side of a horrible coin, the other side being dragons and fire magic. Dany does a lot of messed up stuff in the books that's kind of glossed over on the show, which has long led me to believe

Very likely. And I bet the ending of the books will be quite different anyway.

Maybe it doesn't? But maybe it also splits Dany's super army? Still a lot of variables at play. Euron's still out there. The Citadel murdered the dragons before they could again. Maybe the Dothraki don't take to peaceful occupation and alienate allies?

In the book, in the show Joffrey does it.

Hmm… That's something I didn't think of. Maybe the White Walkers really do attack like, now? Maybe that short circuits the seemingly inevitable upcoming fight?

Right, there were just so many ships that they stretched into the edges of the entire frame and disappeared into the horizon. I'm sure that was just a tiny little welcoming party they sent to meet her.