
I find a lot of the moralizing elements to be a bit much. Every player in the game has committed horrible attrocities, even Dany crucifying all those people. My biggest fear for next season is that it turns into straight up good vs evil.

Dany and Varys, from half the world away, meet up somewhere in the midpoint after loading all the Tyrell and Martell forces onto ships? That makes no sense. The Tyrells and Martells are already in Westeros. Dany could land her cavalry heavy army in Dorne or the Reach with absolute safety, prepare her forces etc. The

I really, really hope we end up with heroes fighting heroes at some point. If this ends up with Cersei getting easily defeated at the hands of Dany, followed by Dany and Jon teaming up to take on the big bad White Walkers; Game of Thrones, with all of it's complexity, will simply become Lord of the Rings.

Or maybe the show runners just said fuck it and went for the coolest shot they could get? They have never shown an unwillingness to subvert realism for those purposes in the past.

LOL no I suppose they don't. Little may have been a bad adjective in this circumstance!

I don't think it's just a Star Wars museum, it's just that Star Wars was the first project for Industrial Light and Magic, which completely changed the special effects game. Today they do all the big effects and have won countless Oscars, all under George Lucas. So it's not just Star Wars, it's everything that came

Seems fair to me.

I like how the poster basically gives away that this movie will at least half "attractive people staring into the distance while music plays and no one says anything." No thanks, Mr. Refn, no thanks.

Wasn't the original kind of salacious? It's been awhile but wasn't the general idea that we taught the machines vice in our pursuit of vice without consequence? The underlying message is that there's no escaping morality?

She was totally the nagging wife. A more interesting show would have been to make them both complete messes and have Richie be the one to pull it together for the kids. There are so few women in media dealing with addiction issues and there are plenty of them in real life.

But why? This is the real shit man, the real shit. When it gets in your head and you're like "PSHAWW" you know what I mean? The real stuff, the real MUSIC man. Why aren't you all down with my plan to find the GOOD MUSIC!? You're all fired, except you sandwich girl, you go find a band no one watching the show likes.

You watching a different trailer than I am? That Westworld movie looks amazing to me! Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris, Jeffrey Wright, James Marsden etc. with JJ Abrams helming it on a sci-fi classic property with a huge budget? I'm so pumped for that one.

Nah it was a definite miss. I wish someone else besides Terence Winter had been the show-runner. His anti-heroes bore the hell out of me at this point.

Making a show about the music industry in the 70's was a good idea. Using the music industry in the 70's to shoe-horn a story about murder and drugs was not a good idea. Having Olivia Wilde (who imo is not a good actress, gorgeous but not good) play the stifled housewife who is breaking free of her chains was also a

It got a bit better at the end.

The only way this will be a good thing is if Hal has broken bad in the interim and is now a secret meth kingpin.

I thought it was cheap looking as well, but I just enjoy poking the bear. If I hadn't clicked on the article and felt the urge to hate slightly on a movie I've never seen I probably wouldn't have posted that.

I'm not racist, I just wish I had to see less black people.

Ha, yeah, it was a bad start beneath me. Quickly improved.

You're really gypping yourself out of some good insults.