
"I'm not racist I just don't like this movie for some reason and have shown up to hate on it." - I'd guess 50% of the people who will or have commented here.

A whole new generation of kids can learn why the national media swarms over any large protest of black people asking, "So… you gonna riot?"

I don't really think the show is ever particularly strong. It's numbers are justified, imo. But I enjoy it and there are moments of real energy and fun.

Wow. I did not expect this at all!

I fucking loved this game, but did anyone else kind of get tired of the grunty old man?

If I don't see Jon Snow in some resplendent plate armor I'll be annoyed.

She might have even considered that a bunch of fighting age Wildlings would be terrible subjects. If it was GRRM writing it, I would say that definitely yes that is what happened. D&D don't really do complex motivations though. If it's not shown on the show it didn't happen.

Holy moly, that looked awesome!

Dany growing her army felt wrote and convenient? Um, ok? That's what she does. She earns things in moments of barely explained Deus Ex Machina, it's what she does.

They were amazing visuals. I think the entire sequence would have worked better if it was a Bolton attack. Having the Boltons essentially be the defending force threw off the whole dynamic. If it was Ramsay attacking Jon, not only would it have been a visual corollary to Stannis' defeat last season, but it would have

The Starks are officially the only house in the world without badass suits of armor. Just saying.

I was almost certain we were getting Frey pie this season.

This was the kind of episode I would rave about from a purely technical issue, but plot elements did keep bringing me out. Jon Snow literally charges at an army, I know you're little brother you haven't seen in half a decade just died, but seriously? I was also glad Rickon didn't serpentine, as the resulting arrow

Yes, the movie made the point that most people involved in shady financial practices are just normal, sometimes very nice, people looking to make a buck. That is one of the points it makes, and it's probably the most important part of the movie. It's not gross, it's realistic. Demonizing these people is

Could be shared office space for writers or something like that.

First episode she shanks a bitch.

Though, actually, Alien did kind of invent the genre.

Wasn't that the plot of Deadspace?

Frodo doesn't die at the end, and he succeeds in saving the land from the evil wizard.

This is why when people complain about #Oscarssowhite and such I always try to make the point that TV is the new prestige medium and movies are the sole domain of superhero movies and the occasional depressing auteur. The big era defining cultural works are being made for the small screen now. And with this, let me go