
Except Archer is a spoof of classic spy films, so The Man From U.N.C.L.E is more of an homage to them.

Officially shipping Jaime, Tormund and Brienne.

Old plantations are a really common venue in the south. Mainly because they're just objectively beautiful.

I know in a year we'll probably have another talk about race and sex exclusion at the Oscars, or maybe the year after, it's inevitable. But at this point, really, who gives a fuck about the Oscars? Film has become the exclusive territory of Marvel and depressing auteurs. All the weightier, culture-defining stories of

Oh, definitely he hates them, but that's not what I meant. I was arguing cause, not effect. The effect of his words and actions is racist, misogynist, etc. But the motivation is not white supremacy, or male supremacy, or Christian supremacy: it's Trump supremacy.

That's why I usually go with the universal language, and denounce him for simply being rude. Because at the end of the day I don't think he's a misogynist or a racist or Islamaphobe, because he has no allegiance to men or white people or Christianity, only an antipathy for anyone who's not Donald Trump. At the end of

Really? I think it creates a vague amorphous image of an intolerable, loud-mouthed misogynistic bigot. Whenever people say he appeals to them I wonder what they're seeing that I'm not.

Hopefully they find some plot device to drag another six episode season to thirteen. I kept having to look at the top page of reviews for next episodes hoping a high grade would keep me watching.

Oh, yeah, totally they're going through Gorne's Way back south.

That's why we pray.

He had to make Hodor think holding the door was his idea all along, that's the trick of double Warging. You don't want to triple warg though or you can get lost.

Yara: Our island's history is one of grand ambitions of conquest leading to failure.
Townspeople: Yeah, yeah, you're right.
Euron: I'm going to marry the Dragon Queen and become King of Westeros by right of conquest!
Townspeople: Hey that's an awesome plan, and we see no conflict with what we just agreed with five

How much you want to bet that the door Hodor holds closed in the book is not some randomly placed door in the back of an otherwise natural cave?

I think he was definitely a Stark though.

Could be, or Henry Tudor.

Classic GOT mistake.

I might be alone in being kind of glad Summer's dead. Maybe it's just being a book reader, but I don't think the direwolves ever had an actual impact on the show outside Ghost. It's like the Dorne plotline, if they're going to completely fuck it up, I'd rather they just axe the whole thing.

You're close, maybe they all look alike because they're all the offspring of the same dude and his inbred wives?

I think the ending will be bittersweet. If Dany wins, that will be terrible. I don't mean as a character or anything, I just mean it will suck if, after like three decades of tension and war, the Targaryans just get put back on the throne. Yay, change!

Yeah, I don't really think that's likely either. Show Dany is so much more obviously good than book Dany. Book Dany would totally throw Euron a lay.