
Nah, she's not the marrying type, you're right. Except when she thinks it will help her people, then she does so on a whim. Is Euron really a worse match in that regard than Hizdahr?

I'm surprised they haven't remade both starring Jayden Smith.

Just more Cage in general. Why has a movie not been made starring Nicolas Cage and Jeff Goldblum?

I quite enjoyed this and think something similar all the time. When did I get so damn old? Time was I could play Uncharted without feeling like a sociopath, or would think a spaceship flattening San Francisco was a cool effect instead of a stunning atrocity. I too want more heroes and less soulless assholes who just

I think the religion of the Many Faced God is as close to nihilism as you can get while still technically having beliefs.

They have now used approximately three locations to represent the Iron Islands this entire show. That room with the fireplace (couldn't even do the Krakken throne), a bunch of scenes on those cliffs, and that tiny port village. When they put that much effort in you aren't going to enjoy it no matter what, I think.

I don't know though, Euron is kind of Danys type. Super violent, kind of dumb, commands an army. Man she has bad taste in men.

Well if being a super hero was easy everyone would do it, and there'd be a hell of a lot more children of the forest left.

Yeah they did, Cat mentions she never feels welcome in the gods wood, Jon Snow swears before a tree. Its all in season one, but the difference is explored a bit.

His aims are to slowly insinuate himself, if not in her good graces at least off her kill list. I think he's trying to set himself up as a consensus choice for king, not Lord of anything. If he has rightful rulers of houses Tully, Stark and Arryn supporting him he could easily argue he could be an administrator that

The North has no geographic size and armies mobilize when their commanders give dramatic speeches. This is established show logic.

It could be relevant because the theory is that there's a Stark-White Walker connection. That guy strapped to that tree looked awfully Starkish to me.

I don't know if you noticed this, but Yara's speech was essentially a prelude to Euron's. It was basically, "Our people's history is one of get rich quick schemes ending in us getting slaughtered, I'm going to be different." Everyone agrees then Euron shows up and is like, "We'll rule the world and all I need are some

I think he was being forced to do it from the past. I think Bran showed him his own death and what he was as an adult and it destroyed Willis' mind. When his time came and the situation came upon him he did what he knew he had to do. I don't think he was suffering silently all these years, I think he was legitimately


I suspect she realizes she's not actually a nihilist very soon.

That was definitely a Stark ancestor being sacrificed at that tree. That was also the same tree in the present when he was touched by the white walkers. I suspect Bran jumped there because he is related to the head White Walker, they are connected by blood. Maybe that's Bran's importance as well? Maybe the Night's

Amy Sedaris looks great!

Something tells me one of those brothers isn't going to last very long. Though on another note I could watch an entire show cast with Ewan McGregor. He's delightful.

There was a time in my life when I sought such movies out, smoked a lot of pot, and laughed mightily. The Toxic Avenger was a good find, at that time. It really is the most nihilistic movie I've ever seen.