
I don't like anybody who acts like this to people they disagree with. Corbyn and Sanders fall into that category. Life is too short for people like this.

How the flying fuck do you write an entire article on this subject and not include a link to the famous Sue speech? Do I have to do everything?

I tend to agree, which is why the Bolton plot was so confusing.

It's a huge difference. These things mattered historically. A knight is blessed by God, after all.

I think he rightly guessed she was trying to kill him.

Everything she touches turns to shit and everyone around her dies. She is an angel of death wherever she goes. Not saying she's evil, just saying her effect isn't good. I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up with the Dragons in particular kind of being equal and opposite to the Others.

It was, but it's also something people theorize is motivating the rebellion of Northern Lords in the books, that they are trying to install Jon Snow as King in the North based on Robb's will.

Because it was a time of war and Bran was a crippled child.

No, but do you think even D&D are going to kill off Sansa, Bran and Rickon? Let alone Jon Snow? That's too much!

There will soon be known to be at least four living Starks. Rickon being alive proves Bran and Rickon weren't burned, that means Bran would be presumed alive as well. Jon Snow might have been legitimized by Robb in Robb's will. And Sansa is definitely alive and has escaped Winterfell.

I think more people know Rickon's alive, especially the spymaster types, than you expect. And they'd guess Bran is alive as well. And Littlefinger is definitely a spymaster type.

I think he also says like, "I tried and they killed me" though that may have only been to Edd.

But he's gotta know soon that there's at least three living Starks at the moment. Rickon being alive means Bran is alive. No one has seen the body, Rickon would totally lie. Jon Snow is alive again and soon people will know he's done with the Night's Watch (there may even be a secret will from Robb Stark legitimizing

No, hello more batshit insane Cersei! Tyrell armies in her city?

He made the flyest kicks for the dopest pimps this side of the Dragonpit.

Oh I think he's a grand schemer. He's five steps ahead constantly. I just think his plot is either grander or darker than it seems on the surface.

Which is completely against what we know of his motivation. He is a guy who the system fucked over: he's brilliant, but he's not strong; he's ambitious, but his family has no proper lands. He grew up unsuited for the society he lives in. He wants respect from this family, from Catelyn, and if he can't get it he wants

I'm actually quite pumped about everything happening in the North. So many characters I like playing together!

Tell that to Charles Manson..

Or he takes off a mask, gets on a horse and is like, "Guess what, I was a White Walker the WHOLE TIME!"