
No, he doesn't want Sansa, he does but he doesn't want to marry her. I don't think he ever wants to marry someone whom society deems above him. He wants to win first and have all the oldest families begging him to marry their daughters.

I'm really hoping Littlefinger's plots are going somewhere, because at the moment they look completely muddled. Did he send Sansa to Ramsay to provoke a war with the North and the Vale? Isn't Sansa going to be kind of pissed about that? Did he want her to die by Ramsay's hand so she couldn't tell anyone how she got

She needs to start wearing revealing red and orange clothes at all time and change her name to Pyra.

Now this begs another question, is Danny officially becoming a fire witch? Of some kind? Seems to me if she's immune to fire maybe she can do other things with fire as well.

Twee little effeminate gay man Loras manages to insult both gay people and the character of Loras Tyrell. One can be a bad ass athlete and warrior and be gay. And Loras was all of the above, supposedly, in the books.

Too much castration in this show!

She was trying to go for the knife. She wanted him at ease for her strike. She wasn't waiting, she was getting in close, five seconds later and he would have died.

Is the show implying that Littlefinger tried to send Sansa to her death, by Ramsay? It seems like his game involves asking quite a few people to just forget that he escorted her to the north, like a small army of retainers that went with them.

The Seals are most certainly known for their equipment, or rather what they do with it. They deploy from subs and from stealth helicopters that only a couple countries in the world have any kind of access too. They use night-vision scopes to attack locations that they have surveilled for days using drone aircraft.

^This is the ultimate failing of the show. They cut out all of the side characters for every plotline, and it robs characters of motivation. In the books everyone is banking on the tenuous support of hundreds of people with less power than themselves. Lords aren't lords because they have massive armies, they are lords

LOL, Ramsay killing Roose? I know Westeros is bloody and all, but pretty sure that was the worst crime you can possibly commit in their world, and Roose had a legitimate heir on top of it!

The whole building was thatched, damnit, thanks for pointing out another reason why that fire scene made no sense, you can claw your way out through thatch.

What about smoke inhalation? Breathing carbon monoxide? (JK I'm over it, that was a good episode overall I thought!)

Yeah, I thought the question was whether it was a bluff that he'd killed Stannis or not.

I think it's pretty clear it's Ramsay on the show. He's been demonstrated to hate Jon Snow already.

Swamp and crannogmen.

Was that fire magic? I wasn't sure.

They do. Gullstown is a sizable port.

Ok, that's what I thought. Gotta say now, that's two, "Littlefinger threatening people" scenes that haven't worked for me. The invented one for season one where he calls out Cersei for sleeping with Jaime was completely out of character (he's everyone's friend, not in a position to threaten at the time), and this one

Just debating way down below, did you all think the men behind Lord Royce were gripping their swords and moving forward in anticipation of defending him? Or do you think they were moving forward to arrest him at Robert's order? I was thinking he should have his own guards, and didn't, but someone else said they