
Fireproof because magic?

You're more forgiving than I, I'm jealous. It's a city busting at the seems with warriors in town for the convocation. Every last one of them was sworn to one of the people in that building located in the center of the city.

It's a city divided. They have support, but no where near universal support.

And I guess all the guards of the most powerful men in the Dothraki society, their bloodriders etc, were just off getting drunk somewhere? Or were all killed by two guys? Again, convenient. Speaking of guards, why did Lord Royce have none of his own guards? Don't these people LIVE in this world? People are getting

And that's why gym lock-ins are a bad idea. Don't lock doors from the outside people, it's not a great idea!

Danny's plots are a never-ending series of "Oh that's convenient" moments. The door on the Dosh Khaleen locks from the outside so no one can escape. She's fireproof for some reason. The Astapor slavers have no control over the Unsullied besides that whip. All of her, "Fire and Blood" moments as you call them are cool

And yet every one of them, as is explained, is instructed in hand to hand combat with a variety of weapons, and they're going against guys with knives.

When the Dalai Lahma's government was overthrown in Tibet, over 90% of the population of Tibet still lived in feudal slavery. The army of Tibet, almost entirely slave soldiers, threw down their arms to welcome the CCP soldiers. Does this make the Dalai Lahma evil? No. I'm just making the point that just because

I know we've lost sight of it, what with Sons of the Harpy seemingly well-matched against them, but the Unsullied are supposed to be the greatest army in the world.

Sometimes being a book reader straight up sucks. I couldn't enjoy any of Danny's admittedly bad-ass plot-line because in the books she isn't fireproof and I also think she's a red-herring false-protagonist who is actually an antagonist. I have too many preconceptions being trampled on to properly enjoy another "fire

$35 bucks it's some kind of kidney stone ailment, what else could Anthony Kiedis be hospitalized for?

I bet you people eat this show up. Because people.

Pshh you call yourself real progressives? Elsa should have a sequel where she transitions.

Well ain't that something!

Yes, but Lord of Winterfell just became a less valuable title. The truly powerful titles are Warden of the North and Lord of the North, which House Bolton now controls. Meanwhile, as you point out, Rickon is the heir to Winterfell, his claim negates Sansa's. Sansa loses all claim to power, she can't be used by another

I mean, you think that. Maybe that's true. But a considerable number of Nights Watch brothers, men who had been through hell together, felt that Thorn was right.

On the one hand they're saying white walkers are north of the wall, on the other they want to let in tens of thousands of people who literally just raped and slaughtered the good people of Molestown last week.

I wasn't comparing the Old Bear and Thorn, I was just saying that if Thorn is a bad drill sergeant and is kept on as drill sergeant, that is on Mormont. Any military man worth his salt will tell you quality basic training is one of the most important things a soldier can receive. When that guy is training all the new

I'm always impressed by what they manage to show on Vikings at like a tenth the budget. They are pretty much always fighting in formation. Generals actually lead their armies tactically, they don't just say, "You go here and fight, you go here and fight!" The tactics can be a little silly at times with how cheap they

Because he was a sour sack of shit. It doesn't mean he's wrong. On the one hand:
1) White Walkers are supposedly marching on the wall, an optimist might say the wall has stood before it will stand again, the south is safe.
2) On the other hand your Lord Commander just let in an army of people who have spent the last