
Why? He lost Sansa. He needs a Stark to maintain control. Osha will most likely do her thing and be ignored as some serving girl. She might be tortured to death, too, this being Ramsay. But a universal rule, the help are always ignored. Notice Ramsay doesn't even really look at Osha. And as Rickon is kept as a pet in

Being spiteful and petty aren't reasons to condemn a person. The Old Bear should have not put him in charge of training recruits, that's on him for bad leadership.

In that he did none of those things or even came close. Jon Snow betrayed the mission of the watch as it was known, supposedly for thousands of years. They hadn't fought white watchers in that time, they fought wildlings, for millennia. Suddenly he says let them all in? And mind you these are people who like a month

Yes, but they need someone sowing seeds of doubt on the inside. Without Mance they can't do that.

I think Osha and Rickon are going to stand in for Mance and his spearwives. People will start dying, no one will know who's killing them, Umber will blame Frey will blame Karstark will blame Manderly. I agree Osha is too clever to be some fiendish plaything of Ramsay's. Though they do love reducing women characters

Why would you not defend Alliser Thorne? He's one of the best people in the show. He's not a thief or a murderer, he was sent to the wall as punishment for fulfilling his oaths to the Targaryans. He did what was expected of him by society. At the Wall he did the job as EVERYONE besides Jon Snow saw it, keeping

What are we to Heart Huckabee
Art fuckery suddenly

I listened to White Stripes on repeat one glorious summer in 2007. I loved the music from that time in general, I feel like that's always the case with that time of people's lives. Animal Collective Merryweather Post Pavilion is another one of those albums that just takes me right back.

I listened to this this morning, and while it definitely had some solid tracks, I thought overall it felt very underbaked.

The Dorne plot continues to disappoint over and over again. I can't stand any of it, it's so poorly done. Thank God it's usually a couple of clumsy minutes in an episode anyway. Trystane moving into position with his back to his cousin? Just ridiculous.

I don't think the last two are intended as sex objects.

Really? I think you should keep in mind that it's not a super-expensive show. It's actually pretty cheap and relies heavily on Viking reenactors to pad out the extras. The amount they do with so little is pretty amazing.

Yes, but in real life his sons were involved in all the stuff leading up to this. King Alfred the Great united all of England under Wessex at a young age. The two sides didn't really line up as much as they are in the show, and I doubt they just do away with the historical founding of England. So that means Ragnar's

In real life they were often married off by the time they were much older than those children. Be thankful they didn't show that part.

I think it was all supposed to make you on edge for Rollo, resolving in the King firmly putting his trust and authority in him. It did feel a little weak for how much time they spent developing it though. And definitely an excuse for some kink.

Ranks of soldiers acting in unison, following actual battle plans and using formations. That is how battles were fought for millenia. There is way too disorder and chaos in Game of Thrones battles. Last couple of seasons they had some decent proper battle scenes though. The lines charging with Stannis and Ramsey's

At first I was kind of pissed off by Rollo's arc this season. Killing off all his own warriors seemed insane, the entire point of him getting Normandy was that he was a threatening force. But, if he had continued to be an invading savage, they couldn't have sold his love story as effectively. He needed to be

I love how much bigger everything has gotten. It's like how Game of Thrones keep surprising with that as well. I know it would be a massive gamble, but it would be great if we could get a new series that starts with that kind of money and scope. But seeing the updated versions of places they couldn't quite do right

I think I actually agreed with this article when the movie came out, but for some reason I now find it incredibly hilarious.

I thoroughly enjoyed the last season, but it was still feeling quite tired and thin in spots in my opinion. We get it, she's a bit of a slut and a total mess. Melissa McCarthy is a good example of someone who does a lot of the same shtick, but manages to make it new feeling by changing the context. I hope Amy can find