
He's like Stephen Colbert, he just didn't see it. It's like that time he painted his skin to look like black camouflage and everyone got offended.

Are they going to include an insert in this one apologizing to the black community for their continued cultural appropriation?

Adam Driver has a weird career.

What a sub-par comment.

I'm open to ideas on how to remove toil and misery from the human condition. I just don't see it happening. It seems to me the easier we make our lives the more people complain about comparatively trivial matters. Our grandkids greatest problem will probably seem ludicrously unimportant by our standards.

And huffing less paint.

But a lot of people DO hate their job, and those jobs DO provide for themselves and their families. I always thought one of the messages of that movie was, "Yes work can suck, but you shouldn't treat it so seriously, and find joy outside of it. And if it really sucks, just quit the damn job."

Matilda is the most subversive book every child should read growing up. It's message is simple, adults don't always know best, and you should trust your instincts.

I met Corey Booker in Union Station, shook his hand and said I'd admired some of his work on criminal justice reform. He was walking across Capitol Hill to his office, and I was heading in that direction so we got to talking for a couple of minutes before I split off to work. He is one of the more genuine, intelligent

I approve whole-heartedly. There are way too few WWI stories, especially considering it basically led to WWII and dictated half the geopolitical events of the 20th century. Even if it's a superhero movie, the more attention it gets the better imo.

One can hope.

You heartless bastards, now I'm depressed, who's going to die next, Patrick Stewart?

Well, good, I like Wes Anderson.

I rarely do. It's usually because I had insomnia or something. the night before. I get really bad insomnia.

Critics don't like machismo anymore.

I fell asleep during the Hateful Eight. That never happens. Didn't hate it, it was just so long and slow.

Damn, quit hating on the Revenant in non-Revenant related articles so much. I still haven't seen it and I hate having flaws already in my head when I see movies.

Doesn't everyone think everything is too expensive? I get a latte, I think it's too expensive, I get a beer, I think it's too expensive. There is nothing my life I wouldn't like to spend less money on.

So you missed it too? It was the only allusion to the prequels in the films. He is Hayden Christiansen's grandkid. A whiny, powerful Sith Lord. Seriously, if you think of him as Hayden's grandson, instead of Harrison Ford's son, it makes a LOT more sense.

Different spin-off movie.