
Really? Call me crazy, but I think Dave Franco is just a legitimately talented, funny actor, who's pretty charming too. If he manages to drop the stoner from his voice, I think he'd totally make the role his own.

I know what my parents are watching this fall!!!

If it's like most other heavy or rare metals in our planet than it will exist in vast quantities in their asteroid belt. Of course if it is a by-product of hippy-alien space magic then that would make sense for it to only exist under their magic tree.

How does It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia keep getting progressively funnier? The plot hasn't changed, the characters are the same, and yet every season so far I've been blown away. I hope they have as good an intro as last year's "Breaking Wade Bogg's record" episode.

White colonial power comes to town, initially things are relatively peaceful. White mis-steps breed mistrust, cause the indigenous people to start questioning their peaceful ways and try to fight back. Meanwhile one white man falls for one indigenous character, he learns about the interconnectedness of their natural

You ever see Pocahontas? If so, you've seen Avatar.

Independence Day featured prominently among my parents VHS collection. I watched it whenever I was sick. And Jeff Goldblum is the best actor on earth.

I like how Avatar takes the exact opposite approach to environmentalism as Futurama or Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. In those examples, life becomes really, really cheap because there is an infinite abundance of it. Of course the other thing that becomes cheap in the infinite vastness of space is raw material. The

I think Avatar was missing musical numbers. You know, something about how the humans and Navi are different but they are still all colors of the wind… or something.

You know the history of Monopoly? It is literally designed to be an unfair, bullshit game.

At some point in the next movie Luke Skywalker is going to say, "Rey, I am your father." Right before she shouts no and gets her hand cut off.

Oh man, I hate to be this guy, but I believe you're confusing totalitarian communist states with fascist states.

You disconnect the leads so the car battery doesn't drain. You leave a car unattended with a battery and it will be dead in a month.

1. Why not include it in the series?
2. Why not include it in the series?
3. Why not include it in the series?
4. Why not include it in the series?
5. Why not include it in the series?
6. Why not include it in the series?

One of my favorite LCD Soundsystem shows was James Murphy coming out with a box of vinyls and a turntable. He says, "I just want to play you a bunch of music I like." I didn't recognize a song but every one was awesome.

I hate this shit, LCD Soundsystem is not owned by fans. Fans didn't write the music. They didn't dedicate their lives to building this band. They liked it. Now they want to give him shit because he wants to make more music? What is wrong with people? It could be the most cynical, crassly commercial move in history,

For your point:
South Park

There's so much wanton destruction in those movies. They kill more people than Star Wars does.

$20 on this being a smash hit for all the reasons it was just criticized?

I like open endedness, but I don't like plot-lessness.