
I enjoyed the Brink. I also enjoyed the comments on everyone of Vikram's reviews. He did not get that show at all. IT'S A FARCE NOT A SATIRE!

I think we all kind of hated how much was kept from the audience. It was cheap and emotionally manipulative. But God damn do I want to see the next Star Wars now. So many questions.. Damn you JJ you stole four years of my life once before, you asshole, not again!

My brother walks out of the theater, basically yells at me across the lobby "How did you feel about Han Solo dying???" I disowned him on the spot.

Oddly enough, that worked for me. I knew he wasn't dead, I knew he was coming back, but his absence made me just sad enough that I was genuinely happy to see him come back. That's the sign of a great character though, I feel like he could be iconic if the next two movies build on the solid platform of this one.

Where? I couldn't find it.

When I read ASOIAF I kept telling my brother all my theories and all the elaborate backstory to the show and he was really pissed off. Then he started reading them and wouldn't shut up for three weeks. Improperly timed consumption of mass media is generally annoying.

Hey AV Club, you should put out a spoiler Star Wars review so we can discuss it.

They need to do a spoiler Star Wars review where we can all discuss it.

Fallout 4 was SO CLOSE to being one of the best games ever, but it felt slightly undercooked to me. Certain things, like the lack of true ending options, or the complete lack of meaning to settlement building really bugged me. Why did I just build and safeguard twenty settlements again? What payoff did that get me?

You should hear him not endorse Trump while constantly talking about how brilliant he is. His blog is a hotbed of that kind of internet conservative that accuses opponents of being "ruled by emotion". As if everything they do is purely logical.

Well then yeah, memory wipes are pretty f'd up.

Well there are more men. That's a very valid criticism. I just don't think Leah being a princess takes away from her as a person. We all come from somewhere and receive benefits from our experiences. Han's only important because he was chosen out of a dozen smugglers by Kenobi and Luke,

Well, Luke is only important because he's somebody's son. And Anakin was immaculately conceived, so not exactly suffering from his parentage either.

MSNBC definitely has her on that beat, that's for sure.

C-3PO is sitting there the entire time like, "Why is no one listening to me? I was the personal adviser to Obi Won-Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Leiah Organa. I am the single most well informed, knowledgeable being in the universe and you all treat me like your bitch!"

With Bob and David was entirely nostalgia powered, IMO. I didn't care for it much. Then they had a one hour making of documentary at the end. It was like 2 hours of show and 1 hour of back-patting about how easy it was to make the show.

Hey FDR came from money. The working class often lacks the ability to communicate on these issues without just sounding jealous.

Oh it has nothing to do with his money. I just think he's a jackass, his personality grates on my psyche.

Lol great minds I guess.

Hearing Russell Brand complain about income inequality makes me want to vote Republican. He's a living heel.