
I'm sure this Hollywood thriller will do what three decades of Republican attacks couldn't.

Yes, because if the Gulf State dictatorships prove anything, torturing and disappearing suspected terrorists stops terrorism.

Yes, from me as well, he's still the protagonist.

Well, people of similar intelligence seem to be condemning this as anti-Christian, so what are you going to do.

Or Sayid, like the Iraqi torturer from Lost.

They aren't villains. Man we just do not click conversationally.

So did Jack Bauer, and Tyrion Lannister.

I think The Force Awakens has already made it's budget back in pre-sale tickets. Could be wrong, but I think that's right.

I read your comment as like a, "Oh they're going after Christians!" kind of thing. But it's a really popular name, and I don't think most people would draw that connection.

I'm not sure what we're arguing about.

Which is just an alternate spelling.

Christian, Chris, Kristina, etc.

It's one of the most popular names in the world.

I think it's because the internet is so much better for informing fan bases about their preferred teams. We aren't forced to watch 15 minutes of Cowboys coverage for 30 seconds of Ravens coverage, so we don't watch. This leads to them moving even more towards infotainment, and away from actual news.

"Pretty likable"?! Dwayne Johnson is fully likable. Who the duck do you think you are?

The secret's in the tannins.

I started watching this drunk last night around 2am. Even in that state I thought it was God awfully stupid.

Thirty seconds in this song is kind of a sonic mess. You all remember how funky fresh and cool Will Smith was? I miss 90's Will Smith.

I remember once watching an HBO soft core porno set in a women's Turkish prison. Some hot stuff to a twelve year old.

But hey, at least the movie will end with everyone drinking beers and having fun, while the loser villain is somehow humiliated. Invariably someone is shouting how they love someone over loud music. It's some feel good stuff.